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Divine Inspiration Will Be Everywhere This Week, Astrologers Predict

The AstroTwins
February 18, 2023
The AstroTwins
By The AstroTwins
Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
woman in field astrology
Image by Klara Kulikova / unsplash
February 18, 2023

This Monday is a hugely spiritual and romantic day, thanks to a new moon in Pisces and Venus transit. Here's what to expect, from The AstroTwins.

The fantasy floodgates open on Monday, February 20.

On Monday, the year’s only new moon in Pisces (2:06AM EST) awakens your wildest imaginings. Since the spiritual veil is thin under these moonbeams, this is one of the best days of the year to download divine inspiration.

Get yourself into a quiet space where you can receive the guidance of your inner voice. Start an artistic venture or sign up for training in a spiritual modality. Anything from life drawing workshops to Human Design astrology could make the winter months fly by. But heed this planetary PSA: Compassion does not equal codependence. This sacrificial lunation may find you playing the role of caretaker instead of companion. It’s great to lend a hand when people need extra support. But if you’re feeling drained, set boundaries around your availability. A healthy “no” or “not right now” saves you from resentment in the future and lays the groundwork for a healthier relationship where everyone pulls their weight. Got a secret wish or desire? Dare to bare it!

Also on Monday, vivacious vixen Venus sprints into fierce, fiery Aries, raising temperatures exponentially between now and March 16.

Don’t melt the ice too quickly, though. In impulsive Aries, Venus is in “detriment,” a challenged position for the typically slow-burning seduction planet. Romance can sizzle then fizzle under this fast-moving sign. One day you’ll be glued together and the next, you're ghosted. (But don’t worry, they’ll be back...then gone, then back again.) Coupled? Scorching chemistry with someone outside your relationship can take you by surprise. No need to act on it; just bring that surge of feisty energy back home to your partner. If you’ve hit a dating plateau, Venus in courageous Aries can inspire you to get back out there and circulate.

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