Mars Retrograde Ends & Pisces Season Begins This Week — Here's Your Horoscope

Vibes! Pisces Season begins early Tuesday morning, February 18
Pisces season begins today as the sun casts its line in the watery realm of the fish, awakening waves of empathy, creativity, and intuition.
Compassion reigns supreme for the coming four weeks, a welcome shift after the coolly detached energy of Aquarius season. Forget what the algorithms are serving, and tune in to your own soul wisdom. This is a time for dreaming, dancing, and flowing with the natural current of the universe—and that requires deep surrender to the unknown.
Faith may be tested while the sun tours this elusive sign since things may not be as they initially appear. Until the equinox on March 20, work to cultivate substantial connections rather than fleeting, surface-level interactions.
Boundaries can get blurry, so take time to feel your way into situations, making sure that they really do work for you before saying yes.
Thursday comes with a strong blurt alert!
Watch out for a rising tide of know-it-all attitudes today, as fickle Mercury in Pisces clashes with overconfident Jupiter in Gemini. Everywhere you turn, people seem to be making snap judgments and drawing hasty conclusions.
The first solution that pops up isn't necessarily the right one, so do your research. Even if you're absolutely sure you're on the money or you're feeling a strong gut instinct, it pays to double-check your facts. Under this mashup, people could be overstating their cases, and it's easy to be swayed by an appealing pitch.
The challenge for the day: Allow yourself to deeply desire something (or someone) without following the urge to possess it immediately.
Fortunately, Thursday also brings a mitigating quarter moon in straightforward Sagittarius. This waning lunar leveling ushers in a wave of clarity and sets the stage for open dialogues. If you've been mulling over an issue since last week's full moon, you may finally see the situation in a new light and discover a silver lining.
Ready to wrap up an ideological debate? Focus less on winning or losing and more on understanding different perspectives. Open up the conversation to various viewpoints, and strive to see the bigger picture. This broader approach can help resolve conflicts and bring about the peace of mind you've been seeking.
Secrets could spill during the weekend's Mars-Mercury trine
What have you been stuffing down or keeping inside? Hours before wrapping up its 11-week retrograde, forthright Mars gets a nudge from communicator Mercury, prompting you to spill.
With both planets in emotional water signs, words could rush out like an undammed river. If you feel that swell of energy rising, make sure you're in front of an empathic (and appropriate!) audience.
Prickly Mars is retrograde in sensitive Cancer, while Mercury in Pisces can make your feelings as clear as a swirling eddy. While it's important to unload, you don't want to pull anyone into an emotional riptide.
Best to sort through the emotions that come up before staging any direct confrontations.
Mars ends its anxiety-inducing 10-week retrograde on Sunday
If your 2025 hygge season's been hectic, blame it on aggravating Mars. Since last December 6, the energizer planet has been buried in a frustrating retrograde—in homespun Cancer, no less.
Tonight, the red planet resumes forward motion, dialing down that frenetic energy. For the final stretch of winter, set up the craft table and mix up some craft cocktails as you get into the spirit of cold-weather communing. Vanquish the tension under your roof by decluttering, redecorating, and making sure everyone has enough space to do their thing.
The red planet's motivational influence may inspire a home-based business or a pre-spring fitness challenge with roommates and relatives.
If cabin fever has fanned the flames of conflict, here's your cue to escape to the slopes for a weekend, or maybe the beach!