New Year's Is Here & This Week's Horoscope Is Full Of Inspiration & Romance

The last new moon of the year arrives Monday
Ready to wrap up the year with a giant velvet bow? Monday’s new moon in Capricorn (5:27 p.m. EST; 9º44’)—a bonus second new moon this month—brings a burst of motivation to help you crush end-of-year goals and get an early start on your 2025 resolutions.
Yes, we realize it’s the eleventh hour and you have soirées to attend. That’s all the more reason to stay nimble and pivot if a better strategy presents itself.
Efficiency is the name of the game, but you know what’s not? Wearing struggle like a merit badge. What can you delegate and outsource to get the job done? While you’re coordinating transportation to all of your NYE events, try visualizing where you’d like your career to be six months from now.
Can’t-stop-won’t-stop Capricorn loves the hustle, but this new moon helps you radar in on work that’s worthy of your time and energy.
Want to pull off a grandiose plan? Create structure and systems. That’s how this cardinal earth-sign energy supports growth!
New Year's Day features a waxing crescent moon
If you break dawn on NYE, you might wind up holding an impromptu brainstorming session (or board meeting!) over bubbles.
The moon holds court in Capricorn until 5:50 a.m. EST, igniting everyone’s ambitions as 2025 begins. Capture those ideas in a voice memo, then set them aside.
In the early hours of the day, la luna shifts into social, idealistic Aquarius, turning the black-tie vibes into a decidedly more casual affair. Spend the NYD sending friendly texts to the people who matter most and meeting as many of them as you can for a hair-of-the-dog hangout or an inspired vision-boarding session.
For five weeks, Venus treks through dreamy Pisces
Pisces is the love planet’s favorite (exalted) position in the zodiac, which is sure to turn anything “mundane” into pure magic between now and February 4.
Rethink punishing or hardcore resolutions you were about to adopt. Instead, how about transforming them into pleasure-enhancing rituals that feed your mind, body, and spirit? Turn your living room into a club for cardio dance routines. Trade massages with your partner and set up a smoothie bar in your kitchen.
While this boundary-blurring transit works well for cuddling by the fireplace, it can make business dealings dodgy. Don’t drop your guard completely with people you’ve just met. Before you sign a contract or send out your top-secret pitch deck, run background checks to make sure they’re “as advertised.”
On Friday, Mars and Pluto come to a stand off
Clash of the titans! Ferocious Mars is retrograde in fiery Leo, which has already set everyone’s teeth on edge. Today, the feisty red planet locks into the second of three exact oppositions to powermonger Pluto in Aquarius.
Whether you’re wearing a crown, leading a rebellion, or trying to wrangle your family back to a non-holiday schedule, check your authoritative style.
Today comes with a strong warning not to abuse your power. Entitlement and egos can masquerade as “doing the right thing,” but if you wind up polarizing the people you need in your corner, you’ll only shoot yourself in the foot.