This Week's Horoscope Features Holiday Happenings — With The Potential For Ego Clashes

Fa-la-la-la, huh? Jupiter squares Saturn on Christmas Eve, complicating plans
Perfectionism alert! Twice this year, expansive Jupiter and restrictive Saturn clash, getting tangled in a tense 90-degree square—first on August 19, then again this Tuesday, December 24.
At peak holiday season, you could get so caught up in the microscopic details of your planning that you lose sight of the big picture. Scale back if your plans have gotten overly ambitious.
Cross a few stray names off your gifting list if your relationships aren't super tight. Tune in to the spirit of joyful togetherness instead of fixating on all the stuff you need to get done or the Christmas Eve pre-celebration stress. Hosting all by yourself? Ask for help!
Then, Mercury tangos with Jupiter on Thursday and Saturn on Friday
For the third time since November, mouthy Mercury and outspoken Jupiter oppose each other this Thursday, December 26, making everyone act like a know-it-all.
The post-Christmas cacophony can deck the halls with a few too many opinions. Double down on your filters and tact, as you're liable to put your foot in your mouth. Teasing someone could touch a nerve, so hold off on the personal jokes, even if you mean no harm. You never know what someone's triggers are.
Friday, the 27th, brings another set of challenges for communication as Mercury butts heads with rigid Saturn for the second time this month. People could be critical or demanding, and you may need to set clear conversational boundaries. If you're with relatives, it might take a few attempts before your gentle but firm limits are respected.
Your social interactions can benefit from this too. Let the squad know your preferences so you don't end up playing "adult in the room" or designated driver for an irresponsible friend. Feel no guilt leaving a draining or disruptive person off the guest list.
Love planet Venus battles chaotic Uranus on Saturday
Relationship goals interrupted? Right before the calendar turns, rebellious Uranus barges in to stir the pot. The effect can be jarring, leaving you confused about what you really want. But consider it a reminder not to sideline individuality just to be part of a couple.
If it means losing yourself or feeling stifled, this connection might not be worth the price of admission. Can you stay true to yourself and still live "happily ever after"? Get authentic and you'll find out.
Wounded healer asteroid Chiron turns direct in Aries on Sunday
Just beware of the temptation to blow up if you feel a surge of suppressed resentment. While Chiron wheeled backward through Aries, passive-aggressive barbs and sneering put-downs may have been people's best defense. Now that Chiron's back in forward motion, be mindful of the fine line between assertiveness and aggression.
Chiron also has incredible healing powers, so unlock its potential (the Chiron symbol is a key!) and turn anger into purpose and passion.