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Mars Spins Retrograde This Week + Venus Moves Into Aquarius—Here's Your Horoscope

The AstroTwins
November 30, 2024
The AstroTwins
By The AstroTwins
Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
Weekly Horoscope image with smiling woman
Image by W2 Photography x mbg creative / Stocksy
November 30, 2024
As the holidays—and Sagittarius season—trek on, we've got Mars retrograde on the horizon. Luckily for us, however, Neptune is finally going direct. Here's your horoscope.

Monday’s Venus-Uranus trine refreshes your romantic viewfinder

Love is not meant to be static or stagnant, but rather, an evolving experience. This Monday, December 2 (our birthday!), Venus forms a flowing trine to progressive Uranus, breathing new life into your relationship or your approach to partnership.

Tech-savvy Uranus may turn up a sexy online match if you’re single. For couples, doing something wildly off-script can put the passion back into your playbook. 

The Sagittarius Sun also gets checked by dour Saturn & optimistic Jupiter this week

But, uh, who invited the Grinch out to play? Wednesday features a twice-a-year conflict between the confident sun and speed-checking Saturn.

This harsh square can make you feel pessimistic about the future at moments throughout the day. It’s also an important reality alarm. You might not be able to deliver what you’re promising within the budget and timeline—so better to speak up now.

Instead of getting discouraged, go back to the drawing board or tighten up your plans. Consider this (brief) pause a blessing in disguise. You could spot an error or a flaw in your plans just in the nick of time.

On Saturday, it’s “radical optimist” Jupiter in Gemini who’s connecting to el Sol. As the two face off in a confusing opposition, don’t believe the hype—at least not before you go sniffing and snooping for the real scoop. Someone might be talking a big game under this conflating cosmic confab.

The good thing is that it’s (probably) not intentional. Sometimes people just get carried away with their own storytelling!

Mars turns retrograde on Friday, December 6—starting in Leo

Dial back the decadence! Passionate Mars turns retrograde, first in lavish Leo (until Jan 6, 2025), then in comfort-loving Cancer for the remainder of its backspin, which lasts until February 23, 2025.

While the holiday season is in peak swing, go easy on the overpriced bottle service, lazy Lyft rides, and buying nonessentials on credit. You don't need to live like a monk; just think long and hard before you green-light tempting purchases.

The same thing goes for potential lovers. While back-spinning Mars scrambles signals in romantic Leo until Jan 6, pace yourself before you take the plunge.

Holiday cheer could devolve into drama with people who compete for the spotlight or get obnoxious after one too many Christmas cocktails. Keep it profesh if there’s an office holiday party in your near future. Before you go out merrymaking, make sure to hydrate and eat a solid meal.

Venus heads into experimental Aquarius from Saturday until January 2

Friendly fire? Love planet Venus will spend the rest of the year in Aquarius, the sign of casual connections and unconventional relationships. The atmosphere isn’t exactly drenched in traditional romance, but there’s plenty of fun to be had.

For the second time in 2024, you can celebrate the universal love of friendship and community. A mutual contact could play matchmaker, and online connections can ignite with vixen Venus in this tech-savvy sign.

For couples, this period could spark honest dialogue about your visions for a happy union. Drift as far from the standard playbook as you want. From an open relationship to living separately to looking into adoption, no topic is taboo!

Create an environment where you can discuss your secrets safely. Talking about these things doesn’t mean you’ll actually pursue them. The point is to banish fear or possessiveness and give your individuality more breathing room.

Neptune turns direct on Saturday, lifting a five-month fog

What’s next? For the past five months, that question has required deep contemplation, which hasn’t necessarily yielded much clarity. But after today, answers start coming into focus as tuned-in Neptune ends a long retrograde on its home turf in compassionate, dreamy Pisces.

During this period of soul-searching, you may have had enlightening realizations about yourself, your desires, and your relationships. Now, you can start putting those divine downloads into action.

Pro tip: That doesn’t mean you should stop daydreaming. Quite the opposite! Neptune is a master at manifestation and miracles and is highly attuned to creative visualization. Close your eyes, picture the outcome you want, and “act as if” you’ve already achieved it.

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