The Last New Moon Of 2022 Is Also A Supermoon: What Astrologers Want You To Know

Just as you're kicking back by the fireplace, boom! Stalled missions are about to pick up momentum this week. Here's your horoscope, from The AstroTwins.
This Tuesday, December 20, larger-than-life Jupiter resets its compass, surging into trailblazing Aries for its second of two adventurous passes in 2022-23.
Suddenly, you're planning a ceremonial New Year's getaway on the beach when, a week ago, you swore you'd keep it chill and lay low at home. Ambitious projects and passionate attractions heat up, diverting attention from stocking-stuffing duties. When inspiration strikes, record the gems in an audio note before you lose them. People making demands on your time and energy? Not a favorite thing while Jupiter is in self-focused, spontaneous Aries.
Don't shirk responsibilities, though! No, you don't have to keep every promise you made while Jupiter paddled through sacrificial Pisces since October 28. But if you're going to break your word, give people time to devise a Plan B. Make a graceful exit instead of burning bridges.
The Sun enters Capricorn this Wednesday, December 21, marking the shortest day of the year for those living in the Northern Hemisphere.
Under the cover of darkness, turn inward and scan the landscape of your subconscious mind. Carve out space to meditate, reflect, and find gratitude for the high points of your 2022. Then, clarify what you'd like to leave behind as you enter 2023—and what evolution you're most proud to bring with you into the New Year.
The winter solstice always coincides with the Sun's move into grounding, elegant Capricorn. And since the celestial Sea Goat is the governor of goal setting, how perfect is it that we get to make our resolutions under these solar flares every year? Get a running list going in your Notes app for now so you can enjoy the holidays pressure-free. And with Mercury turning retrograde from December 29 to January 18, you'd be wise to get the momentum going before the New Year while thoughts are still clear. The first new moon of 2023 is on January 21, so you're not going to lose your momentum (or your "high pro glow") if you wait until then to set your intentions in stone.
Friday's new moon in Capricorn, the second one in 2022 and a potent supermoon, brings a burst of speed to help you crush those end-of-year goals.
Ready to wrap up the year with a giant velvet bow? We realize it's the eleventh hour and you have stockings to stuff. That's more reason to stay nimble and pivot if a better strategy presents itself.
Efficiency is the name of the game, but you know what's not? Wearing struggle like a merit badge. What can you delegate and outsource to get the job done? While you're wrapping presents, try visualizing where you'd like your career to be six months from now. (And feel free to beam a psychic wish to Santa.) Can't-stop-won't-stop Capricorn loves the hustle, but this supermoon helps you radar in on work that's worthy of your time and energy. Want to pull off a grandiose plan? Create structure and systems. That's how this cardinal earth sign energy supports growth!
Christmas weekend comes without any massive astrological fireworks with the moon lingering in traditional Capricorn on Saturday, then grooving into multiplayer Aquarius for some Christmas Day camaraderie. The one galactic Grinch in the picture is feisty Mars, which is retrograde in Gemini. Those "little squabbles" can escalate quickly, so if people try to push your buttons—or bring up a subject you're not willing to entertain—excuse yourself for a walk in the frosty air! Your sign's full Christmas horoscope, right this way.