Venus Is All Action This Week, Astrologers Say—Here's Your Horoscope

Tuesday’s quarter moon in Taurus brings a balanced perspective
Focus time! Tuesday’s quarter moon in Taurus brings you back to your priorities and principles, reminding us that certain things are not worth your energy.
Bottom-line the basics, clean up unnecessary clutter, and cut any superfluous expenses. If your no-frills approach starts to feel too austere, you can re-introduce luxuries one at a time, or on a more affordable scale.
Taurus is a pleasure-loving sign—but a practical one! This resource- conscious moon can inspire you to organize a clothing swap, shop in your own closet or up-cycle goods that simply need a modern tweak.
Embrace “space” during Wednesday’s Venus-Uranus square
Feeling smothered is not sexy, and when you can’t get one minute to yourself, the single life starts to feel very compelling. Freedom-loving Uranus squares off against lovestruck Venus retrograde on Wednesday, blurring the boundaries between personal space and close-knit relationships.
Even if you’re obsessed with your partner, overzealous love and affection can be stifling. Before doing anything drastic, book a night off to spend solo. You may return refreshed and ready to snuggle up again.
Single? Take a break from the apps if you’re feeling discouraged. An opportunity for a no-strings summer fling could present itself today.
Love awakened! Venus is reborn as a “morning star” on Sunday, August 13
Much like a new moon, this cosmic coupling can be thought of as a Venus rebirth (or a "new Venus"), a moment where everything goes dark in the sky, and we have a completely blank canvas upon which to rewrite our love stories.
You may even want to ritualize this. How about setting up an altar, complete with photos of your dream romantic scenario or favorite moments with your S.O.? Surround it with crystals, pull a card from your favorite divination deck, and let it bathe in the sunbeams of the brightest window in your home.
Or, if you've been hanging on to a toxic situation, scrawl that righteously rage-filled letter to the infuriating heartbreaker, then burn it ceremoniously instead of dropping it into the mailbox.