A Game-Changing Eclipse Is Coming Our Way: What Astrologers Want You To Know

Eclipse season officially starts this weekend, bringing new beginnings along with it. Here's what the AstroTwins want you to know.
Voluble Mercury throws a homecoming rager this Friday, April 29, as it zooms into Gemini and pours a double shot of articulation.
There's no time like the present to start working on your memoir, record a podcast episode, or stream multiscreen TikToks or Instagram Lives with guests. While Mercury is in Gemini until May 22, it's dynamic duos for the win! Wordplay is foreplay during this cycle, and intellectual repartee will be the ultimate glue for kindred spirits. But plan ahead! A retrograde begins May 10, which may cause technical difficulties and data issues. Back up all those files!
Also on Friday, retrograde season begins as Pluto—the first planet to shift into reverse since February 3—flips into its annual, five-month backspin. Veiled intentions may become even murkier as the secretive planet slows its calculating roll and backs up through Capricorn until October 8. If you keep hitting the same wall, take a break from playing detective. This introspective cycle is ideal for flipping the lens inward and doing your own soul searching. But don't drop your guard completely. With the hypersensitive planet in snooze mode, you may be extra susceptible to people's shady schemes. It's a powerful time for inner transformation and forgiveness work, or to dive into research. When Pluto pivots back into direct motion on October 8, those mysteries may have solved themselves.
But wait…there's more! Eclipse season kicks off this Saturday, April 30, as the year's only new moon in Taurus arrives as a game-changing solar eclipse.
Normally this lunation would stop the action and help you get your feet on solid ground. But in 2022, you need both stability and mobility. Put your mind on your money—and your material security in general—but think about it in two ways. First, if you've been burning through cash, put out those fires and wrestle your spending under control. Second, get proactive! Let these momentum-boosting moonbeams spur you toward greater earnings, even if that means doing something dramatically out of character. When opportunity knocks, don't hesitate! A speedy answer is needed to capitalize on the gifts of an eclipse.
When it comes to love, sensuality is the name of the game while the Taurus eclipse activates all five of your senses. But what will leave you tingling from head to toe? Find ways to level up your skills in the lovemaking department. Hint: Focus on foreplay, touch, and anything body-based. Since Taurus rules our material possessions, couples may find themselves at odds about finances or values. This is your cue to get it all out in the open and, ideally, attempt to resolve your differences. Stay open to the creative and surprising solutions a solar eclipse can reveal.
And be warned: The answers you find could melt us into giant puddles of mush...or morph us into the sultriest sirens the world has ever seen. During the eclipse, supersizer Jupiter nuzzles up to seductive Venus in Pisces, the sign of fantasy. The Venus-Jupiter duo calls for love that is passionate, limitless, honest, and true. Let fauxmances crumble and situation-ships implode. There are nearly 8 billion people on the planet, and at least three who could be your soulmate. Keep reeling in the same sad sacks? Stop fishing in that factory-farm pond and cast your line into wider oceans where you might find someone wild and fresh. Since Jupiter is the global ambassador, diversify your dating portfolio. Need to rev things up with your amour? A change of scenery will get your blood pumping!