How To End 2022 On A High Note, According To Astrologers

Want to finish out 2022 on top? Here's how the AstroTwins recommend using the week to plan, strategize, and negotiate your way to the finish line.
This Tuesday, December 6, nimble Mercury puts your mind on your money as it bounds into ambitious Capricorn for the rest of the year.
Set emotions aside and think through goals with objectivity and precision. Cut the fluff and keep it simple. Sometimes, the first answer is the best one. Over the holidays, you could get a jump-start on your 2023 resolutions, as the responsible Capricorn influence will have your mind on the future. Just make sure these achievements aren't so lofty that they feel out of reach—especially since Mercury will spin retrograde from December 29 to January 18. Shop talk could filter into end-of-year conversations. As you mingle among the revelers and sip top-shelf champagne, think of clever ways to phrase the question that will be at the top of everyone's mind, "So, what do you do for a living?"
Words are powerful attractors under the light of the loquacious full moon in Gemini this Wednesday, December 7.
What you say is what you get, so articulate your dreams, desires, and wishes aloud. Post about them on social media, to the degree you feel comfortable. Someone in your circle (or a degree of separation away) could point you toward important resources that help you manifest your vision.
With the full moon in the sign of the Twins, a creative partnership could turn into an official dynamic duo. If you've been hustling together for the past six months, plan a drop or debut or get the buzz going! Need a new set of wheels? Since transportation is Gemini's domain, this full moon may light the way to the perfect car or mobile accessory for commuters. What you don't want to do, however, is to focus on problems. With Mars retrograde sitting close to the full moon, you risk drawing trouble your way. Keep it positive and proactive. If you're having trouble flipping that switch, start by making a gratitude list. Surround yourself with uplifting people. Good vibes are contagious!
People might talk a good game, but can they back up their words with action? That's questionable as heavenly optimists Venus and Jupiter get locked in a sense-blurring square early this Friday.
Both planets have a strict "no negative vibes" policy, but rocking the rose-colored glasses puts you in a gullible position. To avoid being a victim of this "hustler's holiday," take nothing at face value. Drop your date's name into Google. Ask the tough questions at the pitch meeting. If people are as legit as they present, background checks will make you more confident about moving forward. Besides, even the most solid relationships require periodic reviews. Have a sit-down with your sweetie, if only to get back on a level playing field. Remember: Assumptions are the enemy of intimacy! Ask the difficult questions, and don't interrupt while people are answering. While you may hear a few uncomfortable truths, better to get it all out into the open than to let it fester.
What's next for your love life? Sharpen the focus of your relationship goals later this Friday as amorous Venus shifts into structured Capricorn until January 2.
Couples can align around their shared future, discussing their 2023 dreams by the fireplace.
If you're single and looking, search for someone who is ready for meaningful co-creation, like now. Matters of the heart will get serious...but they don't have to be as serious as a heart attack! Playful, seductive Venus likes to keep the mood light.
Defining nebulous situationships could be a fun game of "You show me your bucket list, and I'll show you mine!" Or, if you're the type who doesn't even think about bucket lists, well, maybe it's time to write one. With driven Capricorn ruling romance for the next few weeks, couples could achieve something memorable—and profitable—as a pair. No apologies for being attracted to status now. If you're looking to "date up," 'tis the season for strategic mistletoe placement.