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Thaw Your Winter Chill With This Healthy, Warming Irish Stew

Steve Flynn
December 23, 2016
Steve Flynn
Written by
December 23, 2016

Simple to make, our hearty Irish stew only takes about 40 minutes and is a refreshing take on the traditional Irish dish. Accompanied by some creamy mash potato, this stew feels like a belly-hug on a cold winter’s day and is sure to satisfy the most carnivorous of your mates! Considering how it’s full of flavor and health benefits, a stew is perfect for a frosty winter’s day or if you find yourself coming down with a case of the sniffles.

The Happy Pear Irish Stew



  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 2 onions
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 1 medium parsnip
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 leek
  • 2 bay leaves
  • Small bunch of fresh thyme
  • 100ml white wine
  • 1 liter veg stock
  • 3 tins of cooked green lentils
  • 3 tablespoons tamari/soy sauce
  • Salt & black pepper to season
  • Small bunch chives (20g)

Colcannon Mash

  • 1kg potatoes
  • 150ml of milk of your choice
  • Handful of kale
  • 50g cabbage
  • Bunch scallions
  • Salt & pepper



  1. Heat pan on medium heat and add 2 tbsp oil. Chop onions ad garlic and add to heat, stirring occasionally
  2. Finely chop the carrots and parsnip and add along with 1 teaspoon of salt
  3. Chop the leek into decent chunks including the green topside; add to the pan
  4. Add bay leaves. Remove the leaves from thyme stalks and add.
  5. Drain the tinned lentils and chickpeas, rinse thoroughly and add to pan
  6. Add the vegetable stock and tamarin (or soy sauce)
  7. Turn heat up to full. Bring pot to boil and reduce to a gentle simmer for about 20 minutes


  1. Leaving skin on the potatoes, chop them up into bite-size pieces
  2. Put in a separate pot, cover with water and boil until soft (about 15-20 minutess)
  3. Remove the main central rib of your kale/cabbage and chop up finely
  4. Remove ends of scallions and chop up into small rounds
  5. Drain cooked potatoes, return to pot and add the kale, scallions, milk and mash
  6. Season to your taste with salt and black pepper
  7. Once cooked and soft, finely chop the parsley and add to pot before serving
  8. Serve stew alongside colcannon kale mash.


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