Curious About Virgo's Astrological Compatibility? Here's How They Fare With All 12 Signs

Virgo is known for being the practical and organized Maiden of the zodiac, so when it comes to compatibility, which of the other signs can keep up? Here's what Virgo is all about in love, plus how they fare with each of the 12 zodiac signs.
Virgo in love
"Precision" might as well be Virgo's mantra, and that applies to how they approach love, sex, and relationships. The typical Virgo knows what they want, and while many Virgo stereotypes have to do with prudishness or seriousness, the reality is this sign simply won't settle.
They seem buttoned up, but don't be fooled—they know how to have fun—they just approach love as a holistic endeavor. That said, a partnership with a Virgo can feel like a total mind-body-spirit makeover.
They will challenge you to be your best, most interesting self. Try not to take it too personally if they correct your grammar or tell you how to improve something; This is how Virgos show they care. Their love language is definitely "acts of service," and they appreciate a partner who is not only grateful for Virgo's efforts, but can reciprocate them, too.
Now without further ado, let's get into their compatibility with the other signs.
Virgo & Aries
According to astrology expert and author of Astrology SOS, Imani Quinn, an Aries with any of the three earth signs is going to be a tricky match, thanks to different motivations and priorities. Virgo is no exception, with Quinn telling mindbodygreen, "Because Virgos are very long-term-oriented, they're going to be really agitated about starting things over and taking risks the way an Aries does."
She adds that Virgo is extremely calculated, detail-oriented, and organized, while those are not Aries' strengths in the slightest. And in fact, these key differences can cause a lot of clashing.
In some cases, Quinn says, differences can help facilitate growth and positive change, but in the case of Aries and Virgo, "this wouldn't be a positive challenge; it would be a disruption to each person's sense of self."
Compatibility rating: 5/10
Virgo & Taurus
Virgo and Taurus have one of the more favorable "aspects" or angles formed when they meet. Since they're of the same element (earth), these two signs form a trine, or 120-degree angle, which is thought to be a positive and flowing relational aspect in astrology. As the AstroTwins previously wrote for mindbodygreen, "The trine sign mate [creates] an unspoken kinship and harmony in this match."
And as astrology expert Evan Nathaniel Grim tells mindbodygreen, Taureans are the most value-driven sign, so they need to be with someone who is aligned with them in a big picture way. Think of things like financial security, but also the comforts of good food, good music, and a cozy home.
Virgo is right there on the same page as Taurus, which makes Taurus feel they can trust and rely on Virgo. Similarly, Virgo trusts Taurus to be consistent and loyal as well, and Taurus is happy to meet that expectation.
Compatibility rating: 9/10
Virgo & Gemini
With both of these signs sharing a ruling planet (Mercury) all about communication, intellect, ideas, and information, Virgo and Gemini are likely to have plenty to talk about, according to Molly Pennington, Ph.D. And, what's more, they'll both be adaptable in various situations thanks to their mutability, she adds.
They do still, however, have their differences as well, and whether they can handle these differences depends on the individuals. As Pennington explains, Gemini and Virgo form a "square" aspect on the zodiac wheel, which is considered a more challenging aspect in astrology—but one that can facilitate action and forward motion no less, she says.
"They breed a lot of cool, romantic energy—and neither of these signs are particularly romance-oriented," Pennington says, explaining that this allows both people room within the relationship to do their own thing.
Compatibility rating: 8/10
Virgo & Cancer
Since they're two signs apart, with only Leo between them, Cancer and Virgo form a sextile, or 60-degree angle, which is thought to be a harmonious and sweet aspect in astrology.
The water and earth signs tend to get along to begin with, as they're yin (or "feminine") signs. And when you consider that both Cancer and Virgo value stability, security, and routine, it makes sense that they pair well in a relationship—romantic or platonic.
Plus, Cancer is the cardinal sign of the pair, and Virgo is the mutable. Cancer brings the ideas and inspiration, meanwhile Virgo brings the analytical prowess and finishing touches. Together, they make for a dynamic tag team.
As the twins explain, it's "easy and breezy" to date a person who lives two zodiac signs away. "Your signs are always of a compatible element, making this a great match. You'll often have similar values and attitudes about politics, raising a family, which movies to rent," they say, adding, "Friendship and communication are the hallmarks of this aspect."
Compatibility rating: 7/10
Virgo & Leo
According to astrologer Desiree Roby Antila, this pair sits right next to one another, giving them a semi-sextile aspect. As Roby Antila previously wrote for mindbodygreen, the semi-sextile aspect vibration can initially be met with resistance and variance, making Leo and Virgo feel odious or even overwhelmed by each other’s differences at first. "However, if they find love between them, they can flourish into a pair that is both supportive and complementary," she adds.
In a romantic relationship, Virgo is cool, while Leo is hot. Leos are passionate lovers—primal, erotic, and a lot of fun in the bedroom. Virgo, meanwhile, will need to learn to let loose, "and they can do this if Leo can get Virgo to relax and unwind," Roby Antila says.
Virgo also possesses a tranquility that Leo needs more than they know, she adds, while Leo provides a genuine warmth that Virgo adores. "Virgo is so gentle, courteous, and endearing, which has the Lion purring, whilst Virgo makes Leo feel worshiped, which is the perfect distraction for all of the ways that these two differ," Roby Antila adds.
Compatibility rating: 6/10
Virgo & Virgo
It turns out that dating someone who has the same zodiac sign as you is a great way to learn to love yourself! According to the twins, this relationship provides an opportunity to embrace your quirks, accept your humanity, and celebrate that with a kindred spirit.
However, if you haven't learned to love yourself, "this relationship can inspire some crucial self-acceptance," the twins say. And to that end, while it can be comfortable to find someone similar to you, too much of anything is still too much. "Autonomy is important to keep that frisky friction," the twins say, adding to maintain some separation between your lives, even if it's easy to hang out together. "Otherwise, passion may cool to a brother-sister vibe," they explain.
Ultimately though, a Virgo and another Virgo get together, the twins say they can see their best—and worst—qualities mirrored back, and ideally find ease and self-acceptance.
Compatibility rating: 7/10
Virgo & Libra
Virgo and Libra can initially feel an inexplicable love/hate tension, similar to Virgo and Leo, thanks to their semi-sextile aspect. Of course, all that friction can lead to "explosive sexual chemistry and even an obsessive quest to figure each other out," according to the twins, who add that actually figuring each other out might never be possible.
For Libra, teaming up with a Virgo teaches them how to assert themselves and move away from codependence, while Virgo learns to embrace and even embody Libra's diplomatic side. When they avoid these lessons, though, there's a possibility for this relationship to turn passive aggressive or estranged, with important things left unspoken in the name of keeping the peace.
Overall, this is an astrological matchup that's wrought with tension but has a strong potential for helping both people become more well-rounded as they learn from each other. Growth isn't always easy, but there could be lots of it here when both people are ready and willing.
Compatibility rating: 5/10
Virgo & Scorpio
As astrologer Jennifer Racioppi previously told mindbodygreen, Virgo and Scorpio can do really well together, "assuming the rest of their charts are compatible." In terms of sun sign compatibility, though, she says that the combination of earth and water "creates a really healing mix."
And according to Pennington, there's an "unexpected magic" that occurs when these two signs come together, because they both have a knack for interrogation, analysis, and the microscopic. Both signs have a strong capacity for seeing through the layers of things, she explains, though they may have different motivations for doing so.
Scorpio will also appreciate Virgo's "stamina" when it comes to meeting Scorpio in the depths of wherever they are. "They're both so intense," Pennington explains, adding that this relationship will also require a solid foundation of trust. (Something that doesn't necessarily come easy to either of these signs.)
Compatibility rating: 8/10
Virgo & Sagittarius
According to Roby Antila, Virgo and Sagittarius have a seemingly unlikely connection that promotes a lot of growth over time. Not only will there be a lot of attraction between these two, but when they really commit (a rare occurrence for both of them, for what it's worth), they only get stronger together.
Antila tells mindbodygreen that Virgo and Sagittarius bond and understand each other through their shared mutable modality. Even though these signs form a "square" aspect, which is not typically considered easy, Roby Antila says they're able to offer each other something the other doesn't have over time.
"Virgo is attracted to the Sagittarian fiery, bright, expansiveness," she says, noting that Sagittarius will appreciate feeling seen and loved by dependable Virgo. Plus, she notes, both of these signs are one for humor and will enjoy a connection with a lot of banter, back and forth, and laughter. "When you look at the signs of some of the greatest comedians of all time, a lot of them are Virgo and Sagittarius, so you've got a couple of clowns here," Roby Antila adds.
Compatibility rating: 7/10
Virgo & Capricorn
Virgo and Capricorn are easily the two hardest-working signs in the zodiac. They take themselves seriously as individuals and as a couple, and when they put their heads together, they can bring real, earthly tangibility to their grand plans.
Because if there's anything an earth sign wants, it's real results—and with these two, they'll get them. This also makes them loyal and supportive partners with a mutual big-picture and long-term vision that they're both willing to work towards.
This is a partnership heavy on comfort, respect, and practicality. While this doesn't always equal explosive fireworks or over-the-top passion, that's not what either of these two signs typically go for, anyway.
Rather, both Virgo and Capricorn appreciate a relationship that is reliable, predictable, and focused on long-term goals. Again, these two earth signs require structure and routine to thrive.
Compatibility rating: 9/10
Virgo & Aquarius
Put these Virgo and Aquarius together as friends or colleagues, and they’ll find their attributes are complementary when it comes to solving problems and sharing goals. Aquarius will come with the big grandiose ideas, for instance, and Virgo will create a detailed pathway to make it happen, Quinn previously wrote for mindbodygreen.
As lovers, however, they might run into some roadblocks. Both signs tend to be more mentally minded, as in out of touch with their own emotions. "Virgo’s are looking for long-term love practicality, while Aquarius’ are independent—dare we say commitment-phobes," Quinn notes, adding, "However, Virgo’s are a mutable and adaptable earth sign, so with enough determination, a Virgo might just be able to get the water bearer to commit—on their terms, of course."
Virgo is also known to be more critical, which freedom-seeking Aquarius might not appreciate. "They're fiercely independent and don’t like to be told what to do," Quinn says. Virgo’s, meanwhile, don't have patience for someone who can't buckle down.
Compatibility rating: 6/10
Virgo & Pisces
And finally, we have Virgo and Pisces—the astrological soul mates of the bunch. Even as "opposite" signs, Quinn tells mindbodygreen, these two strive for perfection in different ways and can encourage each other to grow and evolve. Together, they can balance seemingly opposing energies and motivations.
As the twins explain, "With an opposite sign, your life appears in full relief, like a finished painting. Suddenly, it all makes sense. This can be a little uncomfortable, but if you've manifested an opposite sign partnership, it means you're ready to grow up."
They note that opposite signs come together in order to "see yourself from an enlightening 'bird's-eye-view' distance, create a powerful tag team, and join forces and create something bigger than the two of you." And, of course, this dynamic also helps you develop the art of compromise and balance extremes in yourself (i.e., practicality versus fantasy), they add.
Compatibility rating: 10/10
The takeaway
When it comes to astrological compatibility, comparing both people's entire charts (aka "synastry" or relationship astrology) is necessary to get the full picture. However, when in terms of the classic Virgo archetype, it's clear that certain signs will get along with them better than others.