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Are Aries & Virgo Compatible? Here's How They Fare In Friendship, Love & More

Sarah Regan
September 11, 2024
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Couple sitting on a bench talking
Image by Alex Holyoake / Unsplash
September 11, 2024

The 12 signs of the zodiac all have unique relationships to one another. Certain astrological pairs make fast friends or lovers, while others can have a harder time getting along.

When it comes to Aries and Virgo compatibility in particular, it may be more likely that they don't click—but a happy relationship isn't impossible. Here's what to know about this matchup in friendship, romance, and more.

Understanding Aries & Virgo

In order to understand the compatibility behind these two signs, let's take a closer look at what Aries and Virgo are all about.

Aries basics

Aries is the first sign of the astrological year and is associated with the first house of self and identity on the zodiac wheel. Aries is a cardinal fire sign, and it is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and energy. It's represented by the ram, and is a yang (masculine) sign.

Aries folks are known for being:

  • Brave
  • Impulsive
  • Confident
  • Impatient
  • Passionate
  • Action-oriented
  • Risk-taking
  • Direct

Virgo basics

Virgo is the sixth sign of the astrological year and is associated with the sixth house of health and routines. Virgo is a mutable earth sign, and it is ruled by Mercury, the planet of information and communication. It's represented by the Virgin or Maiden, and is a yin (feminine) sign.

Virgos are known for being:

  • Analytical
  • Perfectionists
  • Organized
  • Dutiful
  • Practical
  • Independent
  • Adaptable
  • Detail-oriented

Aries & Virgo compatibility

In terms of their astrological compatibility, Aries and Virgo don't have too much in common. In fact, they have nothing in common astrologically, with different elements, modalities, ruling planets, and polarities.

Since they are five signs apart on the zodiac wheel, Aries and Virgo form a "quincunx" aspect or angle, which is a weaker aspect than, say, a trine or conjunction—but still notable. As the AstroTwins previously wrote for mindbodygreen, quincunx signs will need to adapt to each other's differences when they get together, "which could take a great deal of adjustment, even discarding a former lifestyle."

While quincunx signs may not "hit it off" from the get-go, it's not impossible for them to be attracted to each other, even if they don't know why. "This is a fascinating, complex combination that defies explanation—the original odd couple," the twins explain.

As such, Virgo and Aries may either feel like soul mates or mortal enemies. As the twins add, their bond can be intense and unspoken, almost secretive.

Before we dive into more about this pairing, it's important to note that you need both people's full birth charts (aka "synastry") to get the full picture of their compatibility.

That said, here's a bit more on how these two signs match up.

Aries & Virgo friendship

In a friendship, it will help if Aries and Virgo have some shared interest or hobby that they can enjoy together. They likely have different energy levels and it's possible Aries will prefer to be more "on-the-go" than Virgo, so while Virgo wants to stay in, Aries is already planning their next move.

That said, if they're both championing a cause, working on a creative project, or even working out together, they'll have a good time. (Virgo is, after all, a bit health obsessed, while Aries has a ton of energy to burn off at any point.)

As an intellectual sign, Virgo also likes to exchange ideas, so if they meet a smart Aries with thoughts to share, they'll make great friends. Vice versa, Aries likes to be the best, so if they team up with perfectionist Virgo, they can encourage each other to fine tune whatever it is they're working on together.

Aries & Virgo in love

In love, getting into a comfortable groove may take a bit of trial and error for Virgo and Aries. As the twins explain, Aries is more concerned with sex and intimacy in relationships, while Virgo prioritizes duty and service.

"If you've both done the requisite self-awareness work, you can make a formidable team when you pool your strengths," the twins say, adding, "You might also come together for karmic purposes—for example, to have a child."

Additionally, astrology expert Evan Nathaniel Grim notes that Aries are natural-born leaders, while Virgos are constantly trying to fix everything and everyone. This can definitely result in butting heads, with Aries getting impatient or frustrated by Virgo, and Virgo finding flaws in Aries' plans.

They can, of course, mitigate this by Aries learning to give up the reigns a bit, and Virgo learning not to nit-pick. This may not come easily to either of them, but the best relationships do push us to grow, after all.

As Grim adds, the key to this relationship will be in Aries stepping up to be the kind of reliable partner Virgo needs, while Virgo adapts to keeping up with Aries—and having faith in them.

Pros & cons


There are plenty of potential pros and cons to this pairing, so it's important to remember that, depending on maturity level, one Aries-Virgo couple may be a lot different from another Aries-Virgo couple.

That being said, the twins note, quincunx signs like Aries and Virgo typically come together for karmic repair, or the healing of a "past life contract" with each other.

Together, Aries and Virgo can explore and expand their sexuality together, diving into deeper intimacy, the twins say. They'll also learn to develop their selfless side, serving and giving to each other.

All in all, according to the twins, Virgo and Aries together can learn "how to adjust to someone vastly different from you," as well as what it feels like to meet a soul mate.


In terms of this relationship's drawbacks, according to astrology expert Imani Quinn, an Aries with any of the three earth signs is going to be a tricky match, thanks to different motivations and priorities. Virgo is no exception, with Quinn telling mindbodygreen, "Because Virgos are very long-term-oriented, they're going to be really agitated about starting things over and taking risks the way an Aries does."

Quinn adds that Virgo is extremely calculated, detail-oriented, and organized, while those are not typically Aries' strengths. These differences can, indeed cause a lot of clashing.

In some cases, Quinn says, differences can help facilitate growth and positive change, but in the case of Aries and Virgo, it can turn into "a disruption to each person's sense of self."

The takeaway

While they may be an odd or unlikely couple, if an Aries and Virgo commit to each other, they'll leave everyone else wondering what their secret is. It may take a bit of compromise to finally figure each other out, but the payoff is a rich and fulfilling relationship where Virgo feels supported and Aries feels cherished.

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