How The Veracity Hormone Wellness Test Helped Me Understand My Body

Have you ever wanted to test your hormones? If so, you're not alone. The demand for easy and accessible hormone testing has skyrocketed in recent years, with more and more conversations surrounding hormones—and how they affect mood, weight changes, skin health, and menstrual regularity.
Thanks to these conversations, I recently started to notice a few signs that my hormones were off. My period was inconsistent, and I still didn't have answers after visiting a few different OB-GYNs. I decided to try an at-home hormone test so I could get deeper insight into what was happening with my body.
My newfound interest in hormone testing perfectly aligned with an opportunity from Veracity to try out its Hormone Wellness Test. I was eager to know what my hormone profile looked like so I could make better decisions for my overall health and well-being.
What I was dealing with
My menstrual cycle was all over the place, and I was struggling to find answers. I felt like I was doing everything right for my hormones: I never drink coffee on an empty stomach, I sleep for eight-plus hours most nights, I meditate, I consume balanced meals, and so on.
I didn't expect perfectly balanced hormone levels all around—I take hormonal birth control and prescription medication—but I felt like something was off with my body.
When my health care practitioners couldn't offer answers, I started my own research. I realized some of my symptoms lined up with raised estrogen levels. I knew the Veracity Hormone Wellness Test would either confirm or dispute my suspicions.
What the test entails

When I received the kit, I started the testing process by filling out the registration, which I accessed by scanning a QR code. Along with giving basic information about myself, I answered questions about my lifestyle and current health status. These were questions like: When was the start of your last period? What symptoms are you experiencing? How often do you exercise? Any dietary restrictions?
Once the registration was completed, I started the saliva sample. This required me to spit into a tube until I hit the designated sample collection line. Hitting this line took me about two minutes of spitting; I kept busy by scrolling through my phone. Pro tip: Make sure you're hydrated to keep this process as smooth as possible.
When my sample was finished, I carefully screwed on the top to prevent leakage and packaged it up in the prepaid shipping slip. I was sure to fill out the labels properly, including birthday and collection date, to ensure my results weren't delayed.
The entire process was super easy—and I would know. I actually did it twice. The post office lost my first test, and the brand quickly sent over a replacement to redo my sample.
My test results were ready in about two weeks, which falls right into the brand's two- to three-week waiting period. I received an email notification, which led me to the Veracity portal. This portal sticks around long after your results are ready to go, so you can revisit it at any time.
Veracity hormone test results
The Veracity Hormone Wellness Test tests the following hormones:
- Estrogen
- Progesterone
- Testosterone
- Cortisol
I wasn't surprised to see these hormones tested, as they're some of the most important hormones for your body. But I was surprised by the brevity of the information offered, as there wasn't much initial intel beyond my current testing numbers.
Luckily, you can click into the specific hormone to receive more information. Although I'm relatively well-informed about hormones, I still felt like I was learning something new with each of these descriptions.
This description page also included a scale, which shows whether your hormone levels are low, balanced, or high. It's a super-simple way to display the information that's nearly impossible to misinterpret. In my case, it was obvious that my estrogen levels were high.
What I found out
When I got my test results back, my suspicions were confirmed. My estrogen levels were high (as seen above). This information was paired with skin care, lifestyle, and diet information recommendations to help with my hormonal balance. This information is curated with the help of experts, such as dietitians and medical doctors.
Of course, I still wanted to take my results back to a health care professional. I partially blamed my hormonal IUD and medications, but they didn't feel like the full story. I was right.
What I found out
I reached out to functional medicine doctor Gabrielle Francis, D.C., N.D., LAc, for some context on my results, and I quickly learned there was far more at play than I suspected.
To my surprise, she informed me that many people who have hormonal IUDs are generally pretty low on estrogen, if anything. However, the medication I'm on can put a strain on the liver, which can interfere with how estrogen is detoxed in my body.
Given the interaction of the two, my estrogen levels likely wouldn't be super high or super low, so the imbalance was still odd. This means with committed lifestyle changes, I just might be able to balance out my estrogen levels naturally (the news I was hoping for).
Among general advice to regulate common stressors in my life, she also informed me that I should prioritize organic tofu and CBD over conventional options. I consume these two ingredients daily, and the nonorganic sources may contain pesticides that are considered endocrine disrupters.
Why hormone balance is important
So, why is it worth getting your hormones checked? To be frank, your hormones impact just about everything, and even a little shift can make a big difference.
"It takes only very small amounts [of hormone fluctuations] to bring about major changes in the body," licensed naturopathic physician and co-founder of Terrain Natural Medicine Kelcie Rosendahl, N.D., previously told mbg.
"Some common signs that you may have suboptimal levels of one or more hormones include changes in your mood and/or periods, suboptimal sex drive, concerns about your skin or sleep health, unexplained weight gain, or feelings of tiredness," Rosendahl noted.
While I thought I was set up for failure being on any kind of birth control, I found it comforting to learn that there are actions I can take in my daily life to balance my hormones, even while on the medication.
Plus, I feel more empowered knowing more about what is going on inside my body and how hormones work.
A final PSA
We can't wrap up without mentioning that the Veracity Hormone Wellness Test (and any at-home testing kit) should not be used to diagnose any hormonal health conditions. Your results vary greatly depending on where you're at in your cycle, medication you're taking, lifestyle changes, and more—so don't panic if your hormones look a little imbalanced.
Rather than using the test as an end-all-be-all, think of it as the first step. Once you have your results, you can talk with a medical professional to decide on the right lifestyle changes to make moving forward.
The takeaway
Taking a hormone test can give you some insight into what's going on in your body and help you live a healthier lifestyle. When I tried the Veracity Hormone Wellness Test, I discovered a hormonal imbalance that I hadn't uncovered in previous doctor's visits. Needless to say, I can't recommend this test enough for a convenient way to better understand your hormone levels from home.