There Are At Least 24 Types Of Orgasms: Here's How To Explore Each One

Maybe you've experienced an orgasm that felt different in some way from your other ones. But are there really different types of orgasms that people can experience with the right techniques or know-how? We spoke with doctors, sex therapists, and other experts about the typology of orgasms and how to explore different kinds of orgasmic experience.
How many types of orgasms are there?
There are many different ways to trigger an orgasm and also many different ways to classify them—such as by the type of touch used, which body parts were stimulated, or how intense or pleasurable it felt. All these variations could be considered different "types" of orgasms, and in that sense, there are dozens of types of orgasms people can experience. But physiologically speaking, research suggests all orgasms are actually the same physical experience.
"Based on the data I've seen and my conversations with scientists who study the physiology of orgasm, it does not seem to be the case that orgasms induced by different forms of stimulation 'look' different physiologically," says Justin Lehmiller, Ph.D., a social psychologist, author of the Sex and Psychology blog, and expert at Lovehoney. "Anatomically, an orgasm refers to a series of contractions that occur in the genital region, so if you define 'orgasm' solely in terms of a physiological response, an orgasm is an orgasm."
That said, the psychological experience of orgasms can vary significantly, he notes, depending on factors such as substance use, how excited and aroused you are, how distracted you are, or how much pressure you feel to reach orgasm. These factors can affect the way an orgasm feels, even though the same thing is happening physiologically. That's why it's possible to have some orgasms that feel mind-numbingly amazing, some that feel just OK, and some that actually feel bad or painful, Lehmiller explains. Yes, bad orgasms are a thing.
Below are at least two dozen "types" of orgasms that are unique in some way, whether by how it's induced or how it feels.
Clitoral orgasm
A clitoral orgasm usually refers to orgasms induced by stimulating the external part of the clitoris. The clitoris is a large, mostly internal organ that's densely packed with nerve endings (just like the penis) and the main source of sexual pleasure for people with vaginas. A small portion of the clitoris, called the clitoral glans, is located externally at the top of the vulva around where the labia meet, usually covered by a hood of skin that's also quite sensitive. Stimulating this external bit of the clitoris with a finger, tongue, or vibrator tends to be necessary for the majority of women to have an orgasm.
Notably though, even orgasms from vaginal penetration could be considered clitoral orgasms. "The vagina and clitoris are intimately intertwined, with the clitoris having a sort of wishbone shape that surrounds a good portion of the vaginal walls," Lehmiller explains. "As a result, vaginal penetration necessarily provides some degree of clitoral stimulation."
Vaginal orgasm
A vaginal orgasm is a general term to describe any orgasms induced through vaginal penetration, whether by fingers, toys, or penises. Notably, less than one in five1 women can orgasm from vaginal penetration alone, so it's actually not a very common way to climax. The clitoris also wraps around the vaginal canal internally and gets stimulated during penetration, so it's possible that many types of vaginal orgasms are, in fact, just less intense forms of clitoral orgasm.
Blended orgasm
A blended orgasm is when a vaginal orgasm and clitoral orgasm happen at the same time, usually by way of stimulating the external glans of the clitoris while also engaging in vaginal penetration. But because vaginal penetration also stimulates the internal portion of the clitoris, it may be more accurate to describe blended orgasms as the combination of stimulating the external and internal parts of the clitoris at the same time. Some people say blended orgasms feel more powerful or intense than the usual clitoral or vaginal orgasm on its own.
G-spot orgasm
The G-spot orgasm is one type of vaginal orgasm. The G-spot is an area located on the front wall of the vagina, usually about 2 inches in, that sometimes feels good when stimulated or pressed against, again because of its proximity to the clitoris. "The famed G-spot really seems to be where the clitoris, vagina, and urethra all intersect2, so a big part of the reason G-spot stimulation is so pleasurable is likely because it offers clitoral stimulation," Lehmiller explains. A curved finger or toy can usually give you the optimal angle for hitting the G-spot.
Cervical orgasm
A cervical orgasm is an orgasm induced by stimulating or pressing against the cervix, the neck of tissue connecting the vagina and the uterus. The cervix can be felt at the back of the vaginal canal as a sort of rounded bump, sort of like the tip of the nose. It requires deep penetration to stimulate it, which is why the best time to go for this type of orgasm is a few days before menstruation, when the cervix is lowest, according to naturopathic doctor Jolene Brighten, N.D.
Anal orgasm
Anal orgasms refer to orgasms induced through stimulating the anus and rectum. People of all genders can have anal orgasms, also sometimes called prostate orgasms or P-spot orgasms. In people with penises, anal penetration stimulates the prostate, the small muscular gland located between the rectum and base of the penis that's responsible for creating seminal fluids and also happens to be very sensitive.
"There are some men who say that prostate-induced orgasms are even more pleasurable than orgasms that occur from penile stimulation alone," Lehmiller explains. "However, scientists don't think this is because the physiology of orgasm is somehow different—rather, it might be due to heightened awareness of body sensations due to the fact that prostate-induced orgasms often involve inserting something into the rectum. In other words, having something inserted in one's anus can help to pull them out of their head and into the moment, thereby allowing them to experience orgasm more intensely."
In folks with vaginas, the anus and rectum's proximity to the internal clitoris and nerve-dense pelvic floor area are thought to be why some vagina owners can reach orgasm from anal sex alone. Anal penetration can also stimulate the A-spot and P-spot in the vagina as well. (See below!)
A-spot orgasm
The A-spot is a nickname for the anterior fornix erogenous zone, a sensitive area of tissue at the end of the vaginal canal, between the cervix and the bladder. If you know where the G-spot is, move your fingers another 2 or 3 inches deeper on the same front wall of the vagina until you feel a soft and spongy area. That's your A-spot.
"It's reported that3 15% of women can achieve orgasm when this area is stimulated. Properly stroking this area that feels soft and spongy in a 'windshield wiper motion' can bring about an orgasm," says Sherry A. Ross, M.D., OB/GYN, Lady Parts cohost, and author of she-ology and she-ology, the she-quel. "It can be confusing since the A-spot may feel similar to other tissue in the vaginal canal." She recommends a sex toy to more easily reach and stimulate this area.
O-spot orgasm
The O-spot is the deepest vaginal erogenous zone and can be a source of orgasmic pleasure, according to some research. It's located at the back end of the vagina between the cervix and the rectum, on the opposite side of the cervix from the A-spot. The O-spot may be "behind or underneath the cervix," Ross notes and usually requires fairly long fingers or a toy to reach. "The exact location deep inside the back of the vagina may be hard to locate, but it's thought that stimulating this area brings an orgasmic response."
P-spot orgasm
In people with vaginas, the P-spot is a nickname for the posterior fornix erogenous zone, the pocket of tissue between the cervix and the rectum. There's little to no research on this area, and it may actually describe a similar area as the O-spot. Nonetheless, some people say stimulating the posterior fornix can feel good or even orgasmic.
Some people also use the term "P-spot" to describe the perineum, the diamond-shaped area between the anus and the vagina or scrotum. The perineum can be very sensitive and contribute to an orgasmic experience when stroked, particularly among people with penises. The term "P-spot" is also sometimes used to describe the prostate in people with penises, which can be stimulated anally and trigger anal orgasms. (See above.)
U-spot orgasm
The U-spot gets its name from its location close to the urethra in people with vaginas. "The U-spot is a highly sensitive and orgasmic area of tissue located above and around the urethral opening. When this area is stimulated, there is an orgasmic response," Ross explains. For some people, moving a finger along this U-shaped area stimulates the skin covering the underside of the clitoral shaft or hood, which is part of why it feels good. Ross adds, "Since this is an area with delicate tissue, being gentle may be your best bet for a satisfying result."
Multiple orgasms
Multiple orgasms is the term used to describe the experience of having more than one orgasm one after the other in a single sex session. People of all genders can have multiple orgasms, although it's significantly easier for vagina owners to have multiple orgasms because they don't have a long refractory period (aka recovery time) between orgasms like penis owners do. (Here's our guide to multiple orgasms for men.)
Squirting orgasm
A squirting orgasm is an orgasm where a vagina owner ejaculates a specific type of fluid, one that has been found to have chemical properties similar to urine as well as chemical properties similar to semen. Some 69% of women have experienced squirting, according to one 2017 study, and it's likely that any person with a vagina is able to squirt. Squirting isn't always tied to an orgasm, though research suggests it's often a pleasurable experience either way. (Here's how to make someone squirt, step by step.)
Full-body orgasm
A full-body orgasm is an orgasm that feels like it's rippling through the whole body or making the whole body contract. "Tingling, vibrating, expansive sensations in nongenital body parts, gigglegasms, crygasms, blissgasms, and feelings of expansiveness, peak experience, peace, and connection are all common," tantric educator Barbara Carrellas tells mbg.
Some people say cervical orgasms tend to feel more full-bodied, as do the orgasms you have after edging. Stimulating and undulating the upper body during sex can also contribute to a full-body orgasm experience.
Hands-free orgasm
A hands-free orgasm is any orgasm that doesn't involve using your hands. Some people use this term to specifically refer to touch-free methods—like via erotic hypnosis or virtual sex—but things like waterplay, getting off from airplane turbulence, or good ol' grinding on furniture without hands involved can all do the trick too.
Nipple orgasm
Some people can orgasm from nipple play alone, also known as a nipple orgasm. Nipple stimulation activates the same nerve pathways as genital stimulation when you look at the MRI scans, so don't take breast stuff for granted during sex or masturbation.
"Start by tracing the areola with a feather-like touch until the nipples become erect. Move between the nipples to the breasts to the neck and the belly," tantric sex educator Psalm Isadora once told mbg. "Start pinching the nipples firmly at the root, and begin rolling the nipple between the thumb and index finger. Play with varying pressure from lighter to very strong."
Oral orgasm, aka kissing orgasm
Although it's not particularly common, it's true that some people can orgasm just from kissing, also known as an oral orgasm or kissing orgasm. "Kissing is incredibly erotic, especially long and passionate makeout sessions with someone you love," Ross says. "Since women are aroused in many different ways, the act of kissing can definitely bring you to orgasm without any sexual stimulation."
Exercise orgasm, aka coregasm
A coregasm4 is an orgasm triggered by doing a core workout. These exercise orgasms are most commonly induced by abdominal exercises, climbing, and lifting weights, according to research, and they don't tend to have anything to do with feeling horny while working out. They tend to happen by accident, though you might be able to up your odds of having one by incorporating Kegels while doing high-intensity ab workouts. People of all genders can have a coregasm, though they're more common among women.
Mental orgasm, aka fantasy orgasm
Researchers have documented instances of people who can orgasm using only their thoughts. One 1992 study5 had 10 women actually have these mental orgasms or fantasy orgasms in a lab setting while being observed. They also asked the women to have orgasms the old-fashioned way using their hands, and the researchers found their physiological responses to be virtually identical between the thought-induced orgasms and hand-induced ones. This might be a little harder to replicate, but with intentionality, who knows? (The following two methods might help.)
Energy orgasm
In tantric sex practices, an energy orgasm is an orgasm triggered by intentionally tapping into and moving your energy to produce waves of orgasmic feelings. "You only have to 'let go' of your mind in a particular way to allow the power of this orgasmic flow to come through," explains tantric sex educator and nurse Leslie Grace, R.N. "What you do need are the three major keys to moving energy in tantra, which are breath, sound, and movement. Using these three keys, you can practice 'running' your sexual energy throughout your body, whether you're engaged in sensual play or alone, and you can amp it up until it spills over into energetic orgasm."
Breath orgasm
Like the energy orgasm, the breath orgasm is an orgasm that involves using breathing to experience waves of orgasmic feelings without any physical stimulation. Carrellas offers an audio guide to breath orgasm.
Spontaneous orgasm, aka accidental orgasm
A spontaneous or accidental orgasm is any orgasm that happens totally unexpectedly in an otherwise nonsexual situation. A 2018 study collected reports from people who'd experienced orgasms from activities like breastfeeding, getting a tattoo, riding public transportation, and much more.
Sleep orgasm
People of all genders have reported experiencing orgasms in their sleep, also known as a sleep orgasm. Although "wet dreams" are commonly associated with boys, these sexual dreams are actually common among women as well. Want to try to have one? Some research suggests sleeping on your stomach might help.
Dry orgasm
A dry orgasm is a form of ejaculation wherein a person with a penis has an orgasm but doesn't ejaculate semen or ejaculates very little. Having dry orgasms can be related to surgery, medical issues, stress, or situational factors, but it can also be intentionally experienced as part of semen retention, which is the practice of avoiding ejaculation for usually spiritual reasons. A penis owner can practice controlling their ejaculatory response, or you can try having back-to-back orgasms, as the second one will be more likely to have less fluid at ejaculation.
Ruined orgasm
A ruined orgasm is an orgasm that's intentionally interrupted, curbed, or induced in a way that lacks sensation. Ruined orgasms can happen by accident, such as when you get distracted or need to stop stimulation right as you're about to reach orgasm, leading to an unsatisfying finish. But most often they're used as a form of control play in BDSM, wherein the dominant partner gets off on "ruining" the other partner's pleasure—and the submissive partner gets off on the powerlessness of it all.
Clearly, there are endless ways to experience orgasms, some of which might sound exciting and some of which may not. Pick the ones you're curious about exploring and dive in, and don't worry about the rest.
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