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A Twin Flame Test To Find Out If Your Love Interest Is Really Your Twin Flame

Sarah Regan
January 20, 2023
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Throughout our lives, we'll experience a number of different types of relationships—but according to some people, none are nearly as intense as a twin flame connection.

If you think you've found your twin flame, here's a quick quiz to find out, plus some signs of a twin flame relationship to watch out for.

Twin flame test:

What is a twin flame?

As a refresher, a "twin flame" is believed to be an intense soul connection with another person, with the idea being that one soul was split between two bodies. This results in the two people finding a "mirror soul" in the other and spurs an incredibly intense relationship (which is usually romantic but not always).

Twin flame relationships are known to be both challenging and healing and even sometimes toxic. This is because a twin flame will show you your deepest insecurities, fears, and shadows—but also help you overcome them. In some cases, twin flames can help each other grow and heal together, but at other times, twin flames are not always meant to stay together forever and rather facilitate growth during that period in your lives.

As licensed psychotherapist Babita Spinelli previously told mbg, the biggest thing to watch out for in a twin flame dynamic is toxicity and putting up with egregious behavior simply because you think this person is your twin flame. The "turbulent" reputation of twin flame relationships can also make it easy to mistake a toxic relationship as a twin flame one (ak a false twin flame), so that's something to be mindful of. (We've also got a toxic relationship quiz to help you suss out whether this is the case.)

"Twin flames are generally described as two individuals who very intensely connect, usually as romantic partners, because of a shared pain," Spinelli explains, adding, "There is a misnomer that a twin flame completes you—in reality, relationships are meant to encourage you to be more complete in your own right."

Signs you've found your twin flame.

There are a number of signs and stages of a twin flame relationship that will indicate whether you've really found your twin flame. Generally speaking, there tends to be a seemingly instant connection or recognition when you meet them—like you've known them before.

From there, the relationship will likely take off quickly, and you'll feel magnetic toward each other, sharing a deep, inexplicable bond that pushes you to be better, grow, and ultimately, heal. But it's definitely not all smooth sailing. Personal transformation is, after all, not the easiest work—and this relationship may show you all your worst insecurities at center stage.

If the two of you can get through the challenging portion of this dynamic, it is possible to be happy together in the end. Though often, there can be many breakups (and getting back together) in these relationships, and twin flames are not always meant to be together forever.

The name of the game with twin flames is soul progression, so the main thing to look for is whether this relationship seems to be almost forcing growth out of you. Here are some more telltale signs of twin flames to watch out for:

  1. There was an instant recognition and connection when you two met.
  2. You share similar values and history, and your differences complement each other.
  3. The relationship feels like a mirror into your soul.
  4. You push each other to grow and evolve.
  5. The relationship is emotionally intense and even turbulent.
  6. You're moving through (or have already moved through) the stages of a twin flame relationship.
  7. You have a practically psychic connection.
  8. The connection feels divine.
  9. You've been known to break up and get back together.
  10. There's a push-pull dynamic.
  11. The relationship facilitates immense soul transformation.


Are twin flames toxic?

Twin flame dynamics do have a reputation for being toxic because they can be so emotionally intense, and put personal growth on the forefront. This can bring out the worst in people, but it's ultimately serving to push you to grow. (But remember, twin flames are not always forever, and part of your soul's journey may, indeed, involve walking away from a toxic twin flame.)

Do twin flames have a purpose?

Yes, whether you stay together or not, a twin flame relationship is thought to serve the purpose of teaching you deep lessons about yourself, facilitating major spiritual transformation.

What causes twin flame separation?

There are a number of factors that can lead to a twin flame separation, including timing, a need for more growth, lack of self-love, and immaturity. Other times, the relationship ends when you've learned what you needed to learn from the relationship.

The takeaway.

Twin flame relationships are said to be anything but a walk in the park, but you can be sure that if you have really found your twin flame, you will be better off for it. Whether you stay together or not, these relationships have a way of teaching us the hard-earned lessons, and transforming who we are on a soul level.

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