From mezcal to medicinal mushrooms, we have all kinds of reasons to believe 2017 is going to be a great year for wellness. It was tough, but we narrowed down our list to the coolest, most game-changing trends we'll see shaping 2017. A couple of the things we're most excited to see growing in 2017 are the sobriety movement and increased accessibility of wellness.
The sober-living trend has been gaining heat for a while, with wellness influencers like Light Watkins and Biet Simkin (both mbg class instructors) hosting alcohol-free events that feature music, art, and meditation in environments that encourage conscious connection through vulnerability. This year, we expect to see this trend continue to suffuse mainstream drinking and dining experiences. You can already order an artisanal mocktail at NYC eatery Gabriel Kruether or a local, seasonal Temperance Cooler from farm-to-table resto Riverpark.
The mainstream interest in conscious drinking and sobriety isn't a fluke, either. On the contrary, it's a harbinger of increasing curiosity in what might formerly have been considered fringe interests. As wellness becomes more and more accessible, people who grew up with more traditional ideas of a "healthy" lifestyle are beginning to see there might be a better way.
At the forefront of this accessible wellness trend are brands like EVEN Hotels, which have done the (nearly) impossible by offering options for travelers. (And we're not just talking fruit and yogurt at the breakfast bar.) From in-room training zones (and fitness videos!) to customizable menus, eco-friendly products, and ergonomic workstations, EVEN Hotels is actually revolutionizing travel.
To get an insider's perspective on the next big things in wellness, mbg executive editor Olessa Pindak sat down with musician, meditation guru, and sober-lifestyle pioneer Biet Simkin at EVEN Hotels. From her sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll lifestyle to her sobriety and subsequent founding of Club Söda (a sober meetup group she founded with close friend Ruby Warrington), Biet lets us in on the true power of vulnerability and the transformative power of conscious living. We dare you not to be intrigued.