This Gives Me The Tunnel Vision & Focus I Crave To Be Hyperproductive At Work*

I'm a hyper-organized person, especially when it comes to my job. I like to time block everything on my calendar and have a knack for streamlining processes to improve efficiency and performance (yes, I work in marketing).
So, I've always been interested in ways to streamline and focus my mental energy. And supplements seemed like a good place to start.
A friend of mine originally recommended Alpha Brain®. This was the first nootropic (cognition-supporting) supplement I tried. But I didn't like the inconsistency of the benefits (some days I felt it kick in, and other days I didn't) or the consistency of its side effects (like GI discomfort).*
So, when I joined mindbodygreen and discovered brain guard+, I was excited to give this nootropic a try.
I noticed a difference right away
Within the first week, brain guard+ unlocked certain places in my brain that allowed me to work more efficiently.
My job as a creative strategist requires that I tap into both the creative side of my brain (to create engaging social media concepts) and the analytical side (to dig through the data and see what posts resonate with folks). It's really a balancing act—but it's a tightrope that I actually find fun to walk.
brain guard+ helps me find focus and clarity all day long. It quiets the chatter in my head, so when I’m working on something creative, I stay zoned in on that. And when I’m building a new database, I’m able to give the numbers my full attention.
This happens each time I take brain guard+. It helps me feel motivated to get things done, and that feeling motivates me to keep taking it.
What makes brain guard+ different?
I knew brain guard+ was going to be a completely different experience than Alpha Brain® just by looking at the label.
Alpha Brain® provides a variety of potential brain-supporting ingredients, but they're mainly included in proprietary blends.
brain guard+ provides three targeted (branded) ingredients—Cognizin® citicoline, Verti-te™ resveratrol, and Zembrin® kanna. All three of these ingredients have been studied in clinical trials, and brain guard+ provides the clinically backed dose of each ingredient. But it's the Cognizin® citicoline that really stands out to me.
This specific type of citicoline has been studied for decades. It's been shown to support processing speed on Day 1 (which I absolutely felt), as well as cognitive longevity and memory performance (which I'm looking forward to).*†
Other nootropics also use Cognizin® citicoline in their supplements, yet very few include it at its fully clinically studied dose (500 milligrams), like brain guard+.
I'll be taking brain guard+ for the long haul
I've been taking brain guard+ consistently for the last five months. Not only am I guaranteed to have a productive workday each time I take it, but I overall feel like I'm managing the stress of everyday life a bit easier.*
It's also helped me cut back on my caffeine intake. I used to drink about four shots of espresso over the course of the workday—for an energy and focus boost. Now, I'm down to a more manageable one espresso shot a day.
The takeaway
When I have a hefty to-do list at work (or for projects around the house), brain guard+ gives me that extra push to get things done. I have a six-month subscription, which offers the most savings, so I never have to go a day without.
If you want a productivity boost, then it's time to give brain guard+ a try.