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25 Things I Am Still Learning

Silvia Mordini
July 12, 2012
Silvia Mordini
Written by
July 12, 2012

I wear a silver bracelet on my left wrist with the words “Ancora Imparo.” Michelangelo spoke those words when he was 78 years old. In English, it means “I am still learning.” As an enthusiastic student of life I continue to challenge myself to embrace curiosity and delight in what an honor it is to keep learning. Here is my list of 25 Things I am Still Learning.

  1. Love is the answer
  2. Truth heals, but it might hurt at first
  3. Collaboration through community expands compassion
  4. Making time for myself is worth the investment
  5. Saying yes stokes possibility
  6. Assume the best
  7. Take fun seriously
  8. Comparison breeds envy and jealousy
  9. Forgiveness is irrational; do it anyway
  10. It’s important to make new friends
  11. It’s important to keep old friends
  12. I will never understand everything
  13. Mistakes are necessary stepping stones
  14. Over trying doesn’t help
  15. Stop making things worse
  16. Hugging makes human beings calmer
  17. Trust myself
  18. Keep learning how to receive
  19. Staying creative and inspired takes effort
  20. Worry wastes energy: Nothing is as bad as it seems
  21. Take time to digest my food
  22. Make time to digest my thoughts (meditate)
  23. Others’ opinions don’t matter as much as my own
  24. Travel: Investing in experience makes you rich
  25. Keep my media diet lean: delete, simplify, unplug

In the corporate world, my specialism was training and development. I served others to be lifetime learners not only for themselves but also for the good of the team. The truth is, we should all aspire to seek out greater knowledge.  Using these 25 small daily tune-ups, can help to recalibrate your mind and serve as a means to live in harmony with our families, friends and communities.  We are still learning for the benefit of all mankind.  This is something Michelangelo understood well. Love yourself, love your day, love your life! Silvia

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