These 3 Zodiac Signs Are Most Likely To Have An Avoidant Attachment Style

The 12 signs of the zodiac each approach relationships differently. While some signs are more likely to have an anxious attachment style, for instance, others are more likely to be avoidant.
Of course, someone's sign doesn't guarantee they'll have an avoidant attachment style, but don't be surprised if the following three signs struggle with commitment and intimacy.
P.S.: Be sure to check your sun and rising signs, as well as your Venus sign, which influences your relationships, as well as how you prefer to give and receive love.
Coming in as the most likely zodiac sign to have an avoidant attachment style is none other than free-spirited and spontaneous Sagittarius. Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, nothing bothers Sagittarius more than being tied down or boxed in. As such, they tend to avoid commitment or feeling burdened by others.
For people with an avoidant attachment style, independence is paramount. Not only do they not want to rely on others, but they don't want others to rely on them because that would hinder their freedom. Sounds like a typical Sag, huh?
The second most likely zodiac sign to be avoidant is aloof and quirky Aquarius. Like Sag, Aquarius is extremely independent, and they're also known for their telltale cool-and-distant personalities. With avoidant attachment being characterized by struggling with vulnerability, intimacy, and commitment, Aquarius definitely fits the bill.
Even when they are interested in someone, they have a hard time opening up emotionally, and their stubborn streak makes it even more difficult for them to accept other people. They genuinely believe they don't need to rely on anyone, so avoidant tendencies come all too naturally to them.
Last but not least, we have Capricorn as the third most likely zodiac sign to have an avoidant attachment style—and they can thank their ruling planet, Saturn, for that. Saturn is the planet of discipline, responsibility, and challenges, so many Caps take themselves (and their success) very seriously.
As such, romantic relationships seem impractical to them. They're much more focused on their work and obtaining power, not to mention romance in and of itself is something of a foreign concept for them. Capricorns aren't interested in superfluous pleasures and passion, so a loving relationship just isn't their priority.
The takeaway
Again, someone's zodiac sign will never guarantee how their attachment style turns out, especially considering our attachment styles are largely influenced by our upbringing. Nevertheless, in terms of which signs are more prone to avoidant attachment tendencies, Sag, Aquarius, and Capricorn are definitely at the top of the list.