
Finding healthy food at the grocery store is more complicated than it seems. While the aisles are filled with packaged foods that come in shiny wrappers boasting numerous health benefits, upon closer look, most of these items are anything but. From breakfast cereals to yogurts and granola, many of these foods are packed with sugar and miles-long ingredient lists.
Of these foods, protein bars typically look the most promising, claiming to energize you as an on-the-go breakfast or pre-workout snack. Unfortunately, most protein bars are made with unhealthy ingredients—think soy protein, tons of added sugar disguised with healthy-sounding names like brown rice syrup, and unhealthy vegetable oils. And as filling as those protein bars may seem at first glance, the fact that they don’t have much nutritional value means they won’t keep you full for long. "Companies have learned to work the system by adding small amounts of several types of sugars so they all sit lower in the ingredient list," explains Stacie Hassing and Jessica Beacom, Registered Dietitians from The Real Food RDs.
The key is to look at the total grams of sugar and the source of the sugar in the ingredient list to see if there are added sugars that are from sources other than fruit.
Despite our best intentions, we can’t always stick to the produce section, especially when we need a quick, on-the-go snack—which for most people is pretty often. Even more confusing, it seems like everyone has a different opinion about what products are actually good for you. On the hunt for more information, we spoke to a handful of nutritionists about their recommendations, and one product came up over and over again: RXBAR.

One look at the packaging makes it clear why so many nutritionists are excited about it. The core ingredients are listed right on the front: dates, nuts, egg whites—all things you would find in or near the produce aisle. They’re rounded out with other clean ingredients like cacao and blueberries to create irresistible flavors like Chocolate Sea Salt, Peanut Butter, Mixed Berry and more.
What Makes RXBAR stand out.

Not only are the ingredients in RXBAR high-quality and clean, but they also lead to long-lasting energy. The subtle sweetness in RXBAR is derived from dates, so you won’t have that refined-sugar crash that’s common with most protein bars. Plus, eggs are one of the best protein sources out there (they have an incredible amino acid profile), which is why it’s so beneficial that each RXBAR contains three egg whites.
"With the newer craze of eating whole foods and real ingredients, consumers are looking for quality options that are also fast and convenient," explains Amy Goodson, Registered Dietitian. "Many protein bars are loaded with added ingredients causing consumers, and my clients, to turn away. RXBAR offers the solution they've been looking for"
How RXBAR is changing industry trends

Let’s face it: Our lives are busy. We’re traveling more than ever, and even when we are at home, we’re constantly on the go. We can’t pack a bag full of produce everywhere we go, but we also don’t want to sacrifice health (or taste!) in the pursuit of convenience. That’s why companies like RXBAR are so necessary—there needs to be shift in our relationship with these kinds of packaged foods, one built on trust that what we see is what we get. RXBAR nails that shift.
RXBAR is that perfect synergy between health and convenience.
"RXBAR is that perfect synergy between health and convenience. I usually steer my clients away from the aisles to focus on the produce section, but RXBAR is genuinely making me rethink that approach," adds Goodson. "After all, sometimes you have to eat in the car or on the run. We need more companies like them that keep things transparent and simple so that people have more confidence in shopping packaged goods"
Unlike so many of the protein bars out there, RXBAR is leading that trend. If you ask us, RXBAR is here to stay—what other protein bar is delicious, made with clean ingredients, and packed with nutrients?
Click here for 25% off the RXBAR Best Seller pack with code MBGRXBAR (normally $27 for a pack of 12)!

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