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A Christmas Star Is Coming To Skies Near You — Here's What It Means

Sarah Regan
December 20, 2020
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Milky Way Galaxy
Image by iStock
December 20, 2020

If you're at all into astrology, you likely already know we've got a big astrological event coming up on Monday, December 21. In pure 2020 fashion, this year's winter solstice arrives on the same day as the Great Conjunction, when Jupiter and Saturn meet at 29 degrees of Aquarius in the sky.

A conjunction in some form happens once every 20 years, but this time around, Jupiter and Saturn will be so close together they'll look like a bright star. And with Christmas just a few days away, the cosmic occurrence is aptly named, the "Christmas Star."

It's been nearly 800 years since the planets appeared this close, and it won't happen again until March 15 of 2080.

Who will be able to see it?

Whether you're an astro-buff or just want to get out into nature, the Christmas Star is a great excuse to do some stargazing. Just be sure to clear your schedule, as the event won't last long.

You'll need to look to the west-southwest, and you should be able to see two bright planets as it gets darker. The planets will continue on their path about two hours after sunset. When in doubt, a telescope, or even binoculars, will help you get a better view.

Darker skies with little to no light pollution are always best for stargazing, but even if you're in a big city, the Christmas Star should still be visible, according to NASA. The real issue for city dwellers will likely be finding a spot with a clear (building-less) view of the sky, so keep that in mind if you want to plan ahead.

How to ring it in.

Now that you know it's coming, you might be wondering how best to ring in the evening. According to mbg's resident astrologists, the AstroTwins, this is an excellent time to get clear on what we want to hang on to, and what we can let go, in order to step into a new way of being.

"[Jupiter and Saturn] make a paradoxical power couple. Paired up in revolutionary, 'one love' Aquarius, the Great Conjunction could set off a powerful wave of humanitarian efforts, power-to-the-people uprisings, and sci-fi developments," the twins explain.

Jupiter opens our minds, and Saturn gives structure for thoughts to become actions. "And carried on the wings of liberated Aquarius, the winds of revolution are taking flight," they add. We're talking big shifts here, people! And given this event's connection to astrology, what the Great Conjunction means for you will vary depending on your sign, so be sure to check out the AstroTwins' sign-by-sign guide.

However you decide to spend the evening of the winter solstice, prepare for changes to come. This astro event is rare, powerful, and very well may usher in a new age here on Earth. And, at the very least, it's sure to be quite the spectacle across skies around the world.

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