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The Case For Letting Go

Danielle Dowling, Psy.D.
July 08, 2013
Danielle Dowling, Psy.D.
Doctor of Psychology
By Danielle Dowling, Psy.D.
Doctor of Psychology
Danielle Dowling, Psy.D. is a doctor of psychology and life coach, helping ambitious, driven women achieve the financial, spiritual, and lifestyle abundance they desire and deserve. She holds a bachelor's in business from American University, and her master's and doctor of psychology degree from Ryokan College.
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July 08, 2013

Does letting go = giving up? 

Why should you let go?

  • Let go because life has backed you into a corner.
  • Let go because you deserve better. Different.
  • Let go because it’s more painful to hold on.

If you refuse to, you will suffocate under the weight and pressure.

Because whatever “it” is? It’s asking you to let go.

IT wants to be let go of. IT is dying so that something else new/fresh/alive can be born. And the longer you fight the “let-go,” the more constricting your situation will become.

Pro-actively choosing to let go is different than passive letting go whereby life snatches things from your clutches. Passive letting go is harsh and violent.

Active letting go, can be painful. But it’s also liberating and and steeped in relief.

Borrow the courage to let go before heavy takes root. Before dark settles in and over.

When you proactively choose to let go you make delicious space for what you really want to show up.

When you let go you allow the acceptance of “what is” to begin healing you.

When you let go you stop fighting a fruitless battle and bow to the perfect limitations of your situation.

With a heart ripped wide open you graciously, clearly understand;

  • This is all they have to offer and it's not enough.
  • A sentimental item brings a heavy heart and so you must store it, sell it, give it away.
  • It’s time to move on. From this job, this town, this home. It’s been good but you must continue to grow–somewhere else.

Don’t wait until you're “ready.”

The waiting is full of wrought and angst.

You have carried it long enough.

Crouched under its weight long enough.

Unclench your fists, open your hands and let the old pain roll off your palms, cascade through your fingers and slip away.

Say goodbye.

Say hello.

End it.

Begin it.

Let go.

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