
Lights, camera, action! The new moon on August 2 in passionate, expressive Leo helps us find our authentic voices—and step into the spotlight. Leo is a fire sign, which is about action and adventure—a time to take bold and exciting creative risks. Leo is also the ruler of the heart and spine. At a time when the world is filled with political unrest and bravado, it's time for some true heroes to emerge—with plenty of "backbone" and a whole lot of love. Can we get a ROAR?
This new moon asks: How do YOU want to shine in this world?
Tuesday's new moon in fiery Leo will make a positive trine to structured Saturn. If you're having trouble tapping into your fierceness, expect a serious confidence boost right about now. This is a powerful time to initiate creative projects, dive back into the dating pool, or even rev up romance with a new love interest or long-term suitor. This new moon also flips our self-expression switches. Work on "branding" to make sure your outside is a reflection of the creative genius within. Call in wardrobe and styling and splurge a little on the pampering process.
First impressions can leave an indelible mark, and this new moon asks: How do you want to shine in this world? Since new moons give us fresh starts, it's well worth the effort to put your #Goals into practice now.
Here are a few star-powered tips for making the most of this year's Leo new moon:
1. Self-promote in an authentic way.
The term itself gets a bad rap, but let's face it: In this overcrowded marketplace, the squeaky wheel often gets the grease. There are a lot of people hyping themselves up who don't have the goods, true. But there are also a lot of wonderful, worthy products and services that never see an audience, simply because they're not properly marketed. We've compiled some of our favorite spiritual and metaphysical business books here. All have helped us clarify and spread our message in a conscious, authentic way. Showy Leo loves attention, and hey, there's no shame in that. If what you're offering adds value and pleasure to someone's life, then why not shout it from the rooftops?
2. Dare to be vulnerable.
Hiding your feelings is hip these days, supposedly a sign of being self-possessed and above it all. But Leo energy is all about naked honesty, childlike glee, and unmasked excitement. It's the anti–James Dean—anything BUT remote and unruffled. So wear your heart on your sleeve! Why hold back your true feelings about someone you admire? Or pretend you don't love something that's not considered "cool" by the self-appointed tastemakers of the world? What's really cool is to be unapologetically yourself.
3. Take inventory of your passions.
Is there anything in your life you've said "yes" to but your soul is just "meh" about, or maybe it's even sending you a resounding "no"? Cut. It. Out. There are not enough hours in the day to give your precious creative energy to something that drains your soul. At the Leo new moon, seek fresh avenues of inspiration that are aligned with your deepest desires. For help with this, we recommend Danielle LaPorte's Desire Map, an amazing primer on creating goals with soul.
4. Fight for something you believe in.
Drag out your inner wuss and look them boldly in the eye. Have you been hiding your light under a bushel, making excuses, backing down, or wimping out? Good old-fashioned fear has disguised itself as a perfectly reasonable excuse not to do something that might just be your life's purpose. And now, you're being challenged—should you walk the plank or back down? The Leo moon says, if you want it, roar for it! Sometimes, that passion and fire are what turns skeptics into true believers. Your willingness to fight for your desires is all you have, so do it!
5. Compromise, but don't give in.
Compromise is a lovely thing, but there comes a time when you need to take a stand, declare your truth, and, as Leo Madonna would say, "express yourself." Leo energy is unapologetic and bold, not afraid to look foolish or make a brash statement. It's about color, celebration, creativity, and flair. With your chin up and smile on, focus on the fact that life always goes on and always has an occasion for gratitude. Of course, we don't suggest you dig in your heels or cling stubbornly to righteousness. But if you've been giving in way too often, now is the time to hold the line.
6. Rise to your own occasion!
We're not suggesting you blow a bunch of hot air or talk yourself up to be bigger than you are. But frankly, most people are bigger than we really imagine ourselves to be. We tend to underestimate ourselves, especially as women. So the Leo new moon is about finding courage, pride, and a challenge that's worthy of our time and talents. Sometimes, it is about the old "fake it till you make it" routine. Either way, find at least one thing to celebrate yourself for—in as grand a way as you can! It's time to step into your greatness.
7. Give 'em the old "song and dance" routine.
Leo energy is all about revelry. It doesn't matter if you have no rhythm and can't carry a tune in a bucket. The point is to be part of the fun. Shake your booty. Belt out a show tune. Make karaoke plans for tonight—what better way to celebrate the Leo vibes than by singing some bad '80s tunes over a few drinks and a whole lotta laughter? Leo has confidence to spare—so if you make a fool of yourself, who cares?
8. Set your inner child free from captivity.
Playful Leo is all about awe and childlike wonder. Dedicate this week to FUN. Skip down the street, build a sand castle, do an art project with your kids (or friends!), make homemade ice pops. Adults get so jaded, thinking we know it all, have been there, done that. Where are wonder and discovery missing from your life? Add them now!