Taurus Season Is The Season For Love—And These 3 Zodiac Signs Can Expect It Most

Taurus season is well underway, and under these Venus-ruled skies, love is definitely in the air.
As a sign all about the simple pleasures in life (and maybe a touch of luxury here and there...), there's nothing Taurus loves more than love itself—and we're all feeling those vibes right now!
But according to Babs Cheung, the Astro Translator, there are three signs that can expect love to blossom the most this Taurus season.
Here's what to know, plus how to lean into the Taurean vibes, no matter your sign.
The 3 signs that can expect a lovey-dovey Taurus season
As Cheung tells mindbodygreen, you can really benefit from this energy right now, which is aligning with your priorities, values, and relationships. (And it could even make you magnetic to others!)
You're also a sign that appreciates building things—but enjoying the process along the way. As you get clear on what you're wanting from relationships going forward, it's like the wind is at your sails now to make it happen.
As a fellow earth sign, Virgo, you can expect some developments on the love front as well. According to Cheung, you appreciate the building blocks of relationships just like Taurus—but your role is to build upon the foundation, fortifying everyday routines and systems that can support a lasting relationship.
Whether it's improving the little details of your relationship that add up to big changes, or simply enjoying fun things that help your relationship retain its "spark," Cheung adds, allow Taurus' stabilizing energy to inspire and soften you.
Capricorn is the final earth sign of the zodiac, and so all the Caps out there can also expect a fresh surge of romance this Taurus season.
Whether you're looking for love or already partnered up, Cheung says, you're being encouraged now to slow down and enjoy the ride.
As she explains, "Capricorns can see far into the future and they know a keeper when they have one, but there can be so much rigidness that comes with maintaining a longterm relationship."
Her advice? Enjoy the moment with your partner, Capricorn—without future forecasting. Goals are great, but not if you miss the journey along the way.
How to make the most of Taurus season, no matter your sign
Have no fear if you're not a Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn; we're by no means saying the other nine zodiac signs won't be feeling the love, too.
In fact, we can all tap into our inner Venusian this Taurus season. Here's how, according to Cheung.
Go back to basics
As aforementioned, Taurus and Taurus season are all about building foundations, as well as the realm of all things Venusian (i.e. love, beauty, and relationships, to name a few).
With that in mind, Cheung tells mindbodygreen, go back to the basics of getting to know your partner. Stay curious! It's easy to think we know someone inside-out when we don't leave room for them to surprise us.
When was the last time you asked each other meaningful questions, or went out on a special date night? This is the perfect time to do so. (And BTW, this applies to romantic relationships, but also friendships, too!)
Refine your relationship values
Along with being a lover of love and beauty, Taurus places high priority on their values, as one of (if not the most) stubborn signs of the zodiac.
So, Cheung says, this is a great time to get clear on your values around relationships, as well as let those values be heard and respected.
"It's all about those core values that inform how we want to live our lives, the kinds of people we want to meet, and the kinds of people we want to keep in our lives," Cheung notes, adding, "It might sound boring, but it's crucial and deeply important."
Get bougie on a budget
And finally, don't forget that Taurus wants to have a good time! While it is a sign that appreciates luxury, Cheung notes, Taureans are also great at being bougie on a budget.
And in this economy? Let's just say you don't need to break the bank to have a good time. Think picnics in the sun, enjoying a bottle of wine with your partner and just enjoying each other's company, or turning up the romance when you're alone together.
Pleasure doesn't have to come with a price, and we would all serve ourselves well to remember that this Taurus season.
The takeaway
After a fiery Aries season that featured not only a Mercury retrograde, but eclipse season as well, this Taurus season is bringing in a fresh wave of loving energy we all could use.
And whether you're single or partnered up, remember there's always enough love to go around.