Taurus Compatibility Sign By Sign, According To Astrology Experts

Taurus is known for being the grounded and stubborn bull of the zodiac, so when it comes to compatibility, which other signs do they get along with? Here's how Taurus fares in love with each of the 12 zodiac signs.
Taurus & Aries
While Aries and Taurus might be right next to each other on the zodiac wheel, they're not exactly the friendliest neighbors. Being of different elements and modalities, these two don't share much in common, and ultimately have very different motivations.
Aries, for instance, prefers instant gratification and getting the ball rolling on new things, while Taurus is quite stubborn and has a slow-moving approach in everything they do. Taurus may grow tired of Aries' continued antics, while Aries could very well get bored when Taurus wants to be a homebody.
For these two to work, Aries will need to learn the art of slowing down and fostering sensuality, while Taurus may need to open their mind (and heart) to Aries' ways.
Taurus & Taurus
When a Taurus links up with another Taurus, there's really no telling how it might turn out. As the AstroTwins previously wrote for mindbodygreen, if you date someone of the same sign, you've probably embraced your quirks and accepted your humanity. Together, you can celebrate your kindred spirits.
If you haven't learned to love yourself, however, the twins say this relationship can inspire some crucial self-acceptance. They also note that while "twinning" might be comfortable, autonomy is important to keep that frisky friction. "Maintain some separation between your lives, even if it's easy to hang out together. Otherwise, passion may cool to a brother-sister vibe," the twins explain.
At their best, the hallmarks of a Taurus-Taurus relationship include experiencing what it's like for someone to be with you, and seeing your best and worst qualities mirrored back. It can also foster ease and self-acceptance.
Taurus & Gemini
Between Taurus' desire to finish what it starts and Gemini's endless curiosity, these two may not be able to stay away from each other if the attraction is present, but that doesn't necessarily mean they'll be built to last. After all, they have very different motivations.
Taurus is Venus-ruled, placing high importance on their values, relationships, and feeling good as much as possible. Gemini, on the other hand, is Mercury-ruled, placing more importance on intellectualizing, communicating, and experiencing as much as possible. This could look like Taurus wanting to settle down faster than Gemini is ready, or Gemini even getting bored if Taurus is too rigid or controlling.
Taurus & Cancer
It's not a stretch to say the Taurus and Cancer matchup has soulmate potential. These two signs compliment each other in the most wholesome and gratifying ways, from their healing combination of water and earth, to their shared prioritization of comfort and security.
Both signs enjoy cozying up at home and enjoying the simple luxuries of their own space. Not to mention, they both value stability in their relationships and lives in general, which is another reason this pairing is so gratifying.
Cancer needs to feel emotionally safe in order to trust and open up, and Taurus provides exactly the straightforward and grounded approach Cancer needs. Meanwhile, Taurus will be enamored by Cancer's domestic nature and their ability to tend and care for them.
Taurus & Leo
Up next we have Taurus and Leo, who form a square to each other on the zodiac wheel. As the AstroTwins note, this square aspect can result in a dynamic tension that will keep you active and keyed up, but it's not known for making the easiest of relationships.
As the twins explain, you might even want a relationship that challenges you and keeps you on your toes, and the opportunity here is to "teach you how to compromise with an equally strong-willed partner." When you strike that delicate balance, they say, "you can make an undeniable 'power couple,' and learn deep lessons about compromise, conflict resolution, and balance.
Of course, if you don't strike that balance, power struggles are more likely. Leo can be equally as stubborn as Taurus, so don't be surprised if this matchup results in egos flaring and heated arguments.
Taurus & Virgo
Taurus and Virgo have one of the more favorable "aspects" or angles formed when they meet. Since they're of the same element (earth), these two signs form a trine, or 120-degree angle, which is thought to be a positive and flowing relational aspect in astrology. As the twins explain, "The trine sign mate [creates] an unspoken kinship and harmony in this match."
As astrology expert Evan Nathaniel Grim tells mindbodygreen, Taureans are the most value-driven sign, so they need to be with someone who is aligned with them in a big-picture way. Think of things like financial security, but also the comforts of good food, good music, and a cozy home.
Virgo is right there on the same page as Taurus, which makes Taurus feel they can trust and rely on Virgo. Similarly, Virgo trusts Taurus to be consistent and loyal as well, and Taurus is happy to meet that expectation.
Taurus & Libra
While these two signs might not seem like they have much in common, Libra and Taurus share a ruling planet: Venus. "Being that they're both ruled by Venus, which governs all things beautiful, sensual, and pleasurable, these two can feel a soul kinship with each other," astrologer Imani Quinn explains.
Both signs have a great appreciation for the beauty in simple pleasures, for instance, as well as romantic expression. Other than that, though, they are five signs apart on the zodiac wheel, which forms a "quincunx" aspect.
Couples that are five signs apart will need to adapt to their differences, "which could take a great deal of adjustment—even discarding a former lifestyle," according to the twins. For instance, Taurus and Libra tend to operate on very different mental levels, but luckily compromise is one of Libra's strong suits.
Just remember that Libra can be a bit too compromising, so Taurus will need to learn to be a bit more flexible to ensure Libra doesn't feel put out or stifled.
Taurus & Scorpio
Taurus and Scorpio sit opposite each other on the zodiac wheel. Oppositions aren't the easiest aspect to deal with, but it can be very rewarding when two people can embrace each other's differences and find balance.
When they do, in fact, they can be each other's true soul mate. Even these two signs' respective elements of earth and water make for a soothing and healing combo. In the same way, clay or mud can be rejuvenating when an earth and water sign come together, they can create a relationship with a lot of comfort, depth, and grounding.
"When you actually balance these two, Taurus invites Scorpio to be more present, more alive, and more aware of what's actually happening right now," astrology expert and co-founder of Zenchronocity Megan Michelena explains, adding, "And then Scorpio, in turn, really invites Taurus to get into their depths and to understand that we all have this ability to be more than what we seem."
Taurus & Sagittarius
In a Taurus and Sagittarius matchup, both people might find they're constantly running up against difficulty or incongruence. As astrologer Molly Pennington, Ph.D., previously explained to mindbodygreen, there isn't a whole lot to support the relationship because they sit to the side of each other's opposition, "so they're not able to make major aspects with each other," she explains.
Sag is mutable fire, for instance, and Taurus is fixed earth, "so a Taurus is never going to move with as much agility as a Sagittarius requires, and a Sagittarius is never going to sit still long enough for the Taurus to trust the process with them," adds astrologer Jennifer Racioppi.
"The thing that's interesting about this particular dynamic is there's this push-pull," Racioppi says. "No Taurus can ever be pushed into something they don't want to do—they have to want to do it. And the Sagittarius doesn't take no for an answer—they can be a bit of a bully. And so it's those shadow components in this dynamic that are problematic if you put that in a friendship or partnership," she adds.
Taurus & Capricorn
Like the grounded and practical combination of Taurus and Virgo, you get a similar energy when Taurus links up with Capricorn. The last of the earth signs, Capricorn understands Taurus' desire for material security, and with Capricorn's strong work ethic and motivation, they're just the right person to provide for Taurus.
Taurus, meanwhile, is hard-working and a lover of luxury themselves, which Capricorn admires. Both signs prioritize success and ambition in the material world, and when they come together, they can pool their resources and make big money moves.
And even with money out of the equation, these two generally feel a sense of ease and belonging with each other. Their shared element makes for an instant connection where both people feel at home.
Taurus & Aquarius
According to Quinn, Aquarius and Taurus may be motivated by different things, but they’ll find that they operate very similarly, thanks to their fixed modality. They both have a tendency toward intellectual drive, for instance, which will make them great conversationalists.
That said, Taurus is primarily driven by self-pleasure and desire, while Aquarius prioritizes personal growth and the collective. Taurus may feel bored by Aquarius, Quinn says, while Aquarius could find Taurus too rigid or material-minded.
"In love, Taurus' ability to be dependable will be enticing to the Aquarius when they are looking for stability, but once the Aquarius is ready to spark change, they may get push back from the stubborn Taurus," Quinn explains. Meanwhile, she adds, Taurus may feel inspired by Aquarius at first, but at the end of the day, their love of luxury might be too extravagant for the Aquarius.
Taurus & Pisces
According to Quinn, Pisces with any earth sign is going to be a good match because they offer nurturing soil for Pisces' watery emotions. And in the case of Taurus, Pisces will find them to be particularly comforting and loving, she notes, adding, "Taurus will give them a lot of grounding and help them feel stable."
And considering Taurus' planetary ruler is Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure, the vibe between Taurus and Pisces is very much two people who love being in love.
"They're very romantic, and their whole thing will be the act of being in love and doing romantic things for each other, so I think they would be a great match," Quinn tells mindbodygreen.
The takeaway
When it comes to astrological compatibility, comparing both people's entire charts (aka "synastry" or relationship astrology) is necessary to get the full picture.
However, when it comes to the Taurus archetype, it's clear that certain signs will get along with them better than others.