The 10 Bedroom Essentials This Yoga Teacher Can't Live Without

As the founder of Strala Yoga, which began as a studio in my living room and has grown into a global movement, I have a lot to keep up with. I travel constantly, hopping from plane to studio to office to home.
So it’s essential that the home I share with my husband is a sanctuary that supports all the outgoing energy in my life. Plus, I’m a new mom to baby Daisy, so our home life is extra special and precious at the moment. My bedroom is at the center of it all.
Getting great, regular sleep is so important for all of us. Without proper rest, stress creeps in and takes over, intuition is squashed, and I basically feel awful. So I’ve taken the time to brush our sleep womb with expansive and meaningful objects that bring in all the good vibes. Here are my 10 bedroom essentials that provide loads of head space and sprinkles of creativity to support my dreams and desires:
1. Sleep sheep.

My mother-in-law gave baby Daisy this adorable sleep sheep that plays relaxing sounds, from rain to waterfall to birds chirping. I love that it’s technically a white-noise machine disguised as an adorable cuddly sheep!
2. Notebook.
I love the old-school composition notebooks you can pick up at any drugstore. They are my journals, my dream diaries, and my daily planners. I keep one beside my bed for anything I feel the urge to get on paper.
3. Essentia mattress.

We sleep like Care Bears draped on top of a rainbow above a bed of fluffy clouds on our Essentia mattress. We have the firmest version of this natural memory foam mattress and I love how it hugs my body, perfectly supporting a fantastic, deep sleep every night. Not to mention, knowing that it is made with natural, organic components and contributes to clean indoor-air quality in the bedroom is a big plus now that Daisy also spends a lot of time in here with us.
4. "The Art of Dreaming" by Carlos Castaneda.

We fill our bedroom shelves with mind-expanding books, and I’ve reread this one over and over.
5. Grandma's quilts.
I’m not big on collecting possessions, but these are my prized objects. I’m so blessed to have both of my grandmothers around, and they have been making quilts for the entire family since before I was born. I have so many, and now Daisy has an impressive collection of her own.
6. NASA picture of the Veil Nebula.

NASA sells posters of their gorgeous space photography, and we got this one framed. We either have it facing the bed or swap it with one of my favorite prints of a colorful modern mandala from Dutch artist Ceizer. I like to change up the energy in our home every so often, and switching our art around a bit keeps things fresh.
7. Stuffed-animal collection.
OK, these are my husband, Mike’s. It’s time the world knows about his collection of stuffed animals; he calls them his kids! There are many, and they all have names, relationships with one another, and go on adventures around the world during the night while we sleep. It all started with French Bear, who returned with Mike from a Paris trip he was on when we first met.
8. Dreamcatcher.

My dreamcatcher isn’t custom or super impressive. It came to me as a gift around 10 years ago, and I figure if it’s done its magic for this long, there’s no need to replace it with a fancy one.
9. Bassinet.
The newest addition to our room is Daisy’s cozy sleep nest. But when she’s bigger, I’m sure she will crawl right into our bed.
10. Daisy.

And probably most important: our little Daisy. She spends a lot of time in the bedroom now too, so we’re more into creating calm, happy vibes in here than ever.