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Tap Into Strength & Confidence In 5 Minutes With This Kettlebell Workout

March 25, 2022
Branded Content Editor
March 25, 2022

We can all benefit from more confidence—whether it's at work, in our personal lives, or before a tough workout. The thing is, confidence is like a muscle—the more you work it, the stronger it gets. With that in mind, we've partnered with Under Armour and fitness expert Meghan Hayden to bring you our confidence-building Fit From Within series. In this video, we will prove to you that you are a little stronger than you think with this five-minute kettlebell workout. This powerful routine is focused on strength, cardio, and flexibility. By the time you're done with our Fit From Within workout and visualization, you won't find confidence; confidence will find you.

To get the most out of this workout, grab a kettlebell, clear some space, and dress for success. Meet these dynamic kettlebell moves with an outfit that's in it to win it, like the one below. The goal of this workout is to leave you feeling strong from head to toe—outfit included.

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