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November 14, 2012
'Tis the time of year where it's common to catch a cold. But it doesn't have to be that way! You can boost your immunity, and feel vibrant instantly with this delicious drink!
If you have 10 minutes every morning to whip up a rockin' smoothie that's packed with high levels of antioxidants and serious immunity power, then you'll have plenty of mojo to dance at all the holidays parties this year.
And who doesn't want that? :)
- 2 handfuls fresh (or frozen if out of season) blueberries, blackberries, or wild berries
- 2 ripe bananas
- ? frozen acai pack
- 1-2 big handfuls leafy greens (such as spinach, kale, cilantro, arugula, chard, parsley, or dill)
- 1 tablespoon goji berries (these should not be hard and crunchy - this signifies a poor quality)
- ½ teaspoon superfood green powder of choice (Vitamineral Green is my preferred brand)
- Thawed raw organic coconut water or spring water (enough to cover the blades and based upon
- how liquid-y you’d like your smoothie)
Blend on high in a high-speed blender for 30 seconds until everything is well-blended and serve in your favorite glassware.
Top with bee pollen, raw cacao nibs (sweetened or plain), and goji berries.
Feel younger instantly!
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