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Every Question You Ever Had About Sugar—Answered

Photo by mbg Creative
August 01, 2017

We're partnering with siggi's dairy to cut through the confusion about sugar and get your questions answered by mbg experts. So what are you waiting for? Ask away!

Sugar. We can agree it’s something we’re all probably getting plenty (or too much) of. We’re aware that an excess of sugar can be inflammatory and acidic, which can spell disaster for our hormones, skin, and energy levels, not to mention affect the likelihood of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. But sugar is an inevitable part of our lives.

There's a ton of confusion about sugar.

Is fruit healthy? How much sugar is too much sugar? What’s the difference between honey, maple syrup, and stevia? And what the heck is monk-fruit extract anyways? Sugar is one of the most confusing subjects in the health-food world, and it’s almost unavoidable (if you’ve started reading labels at your local grocery store, you’re well aware of this).

That's where mbg comes in.

At mbg, we have access to some of the best and most innovative sugar experts in the world. And we’re going to use them to answer YOUR questions.

That’s right—we’re introducing Sweet Talk, a collaboration between mindbodygreen and siggi’s dairy that will cut through all the sugar noise and provide insightful, intelligent, and easy-to-understand answers to your questions.

Our experts include Dr. William Cole, a functional doctor; trainer and fitness specialist Todd "TMAC" McCullough; and nutritionist and author Lauren Slayton. Together, this well-rounded crew will tackle all of your toughest sugar questions with expert advice and actionable tips to improve your relationship with the sweet stuff.

Ask us!

So we want to hear from you. What do you most want to know about sugar? How can we help you feel your best while still enjoying the sweet things in life? Let us know! Let’s get smart about sugar, so we can live our best, healthiest lives.

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