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mbg moves: A Full-Body Strength & Conditioning Workout To Try At Home

Mindy Lai
July 05, 2021
Mindy Lai
Fitness Instructor
By Mindy Lai
Fitness Instructor
Mindy Lai is a rare combination of dancer and boxer. She earned her dance degree from The Ailey School and Fordham University, has performed on Broadway, and works as a boxing instructor at bande.
mindy strength conditioning workout
Image by Andreas von Scheele
July 05, 2021

Welcome to mbg moves! We've been working out at home more than ever lately—and we know our readers are, too. To help keep your fitness routine feeling fresh, we're releasing a new at-home workout every Monday to start your week off strong. Each month will feature routines from a different incredible trainer we adore. Now, let's get moving with our spotlight trainer: Mindy Lai.

Over the last couple of weeks, I've shared different workouts that are inspired by a boxer's fitness routine—including staple fighting skills, ab exercises, and heart-pumping HIIT. Now, let's round out our training with a strength and conditioning workout that will challenge your body from head to toe.

I'm going to take you through four rounds of movement, with exercises that will target your core, arms, and legs. If you still feel strong after completing the entire sequence, go ahead and run through it one more time. Grab a mat, a set of medium dumbbells (something you feel comfortable using for biceps curls and overhead presses), and let's get started!

Your 4-week challenge: For the last four weeks, I've been sharing a boxing-inspired workout to get your heart pumping and muscles firing. I challenge you to make it a goal to try something new, get back into a boxing routine, or take your stamina to the next level—aim to do my workouts two to three times a week to really feel the burn.

Workout Summary

  • Time: 15 minutes
  • Equipment: Yoga mat, set of dumbbells
  • Instructions: Move through your warmup. Then, there are two exercises in each round. Complete 45 seconds (repeating on the opposite side, when applicable), then continue to the second exercise. At the end of each round, take 30 seconds of rest, then move to the next round.


To warm up your body, move through the following exercises:

  • Squats
  • Crawl Out
  • World's Greatest Stretch
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Shoulder Rolls
  • Arm Swings
  • Head Circles
  • Lunges

Round 1

Side Plank Crunch

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  1. Start in a side plank position, with your right hand on the mat and right shoulder stacked over your wrist. Stagger your feet so your left foot is in front of your right on the mat.
  2. Bend your left arm and place your left hand behind your head.
  3. Twisting at your torso, bring your left elbow and right knee together in front of your body. Return to start.
  4. Continue for 45 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side. Continue to the next move.

Kneeling Hinges

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  1. Start in a kneeling position on your mat, with shins flat on the ground. Grab your set of dumbbells, and hold them in front of your chest.
  2. Slowly and with control, squeeze your glutes, hinge at your hips, and lower your body backward as far as you can. Activate your core the entire time to keep your body stable. You should feel a stretch in the front of your legs.
  3. Engage your core to return back to start. Continue for 45 seconds, then take a 30-second rest before continuing to the next round.

Round 2

Curtsy Lunge + Curl + Press

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  1. Start in a standing position, with a single dumbbell in your left hand, and right hand on your right hip.
  2. Bring your left foot back behind your body, and lower down into a curtsy lunge.
  3. From here, complete a biceps curl with your left hand, then press the weight up overhead—using your abs to keep you stable.
  4. Keeping your arm overhead, rise back up to a standing position. Bring the weight back down to start.
  5. Repeat for 45 seconds, then switch sides. Continue to the next exercise.

Get Up Situp

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  1. Lie down on your mat with your feet slightly wider than hip-distance apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, and stretch your arms out long.
  2. Engage your core as you lift up into a seated position, keeping your arms straight the entire time. Be sure to keep your shoulders away from your ears.
  3. At the top of the movement, stretch both hands overhead so your entire body forms a 90-degree angle.
  4. Slowly reverse the movement and return to start. Repeat for 45 seconds, then take a 30-second rest before continuing to the next round.

Round 3

Person Makers

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  1. Start in a high plank position, with a dumbbell in each hand, and your shoulders stacked over wrists.
  2. Move through a pushup. At the top of the pushup, row your left dumbbell up to torso height. Return to start, then repeat on the right side.
  3. Then, jump both feet forward to meet your hands. Bring both weights up to your shoulders.
  4. Press through your heels to rise up to a standing position, pressing your arms overhead.
  5. Bring your hands back to the ground, then return to a plank position. Move through as many rounds as possible in 45 seconds. Continue to the next exercise.

Inner Thigh Lifts

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  1. Start by lying on your left side. Let your left leg stretch out long. Bend your right knee and cross it over your left leg, with your right foot on the mat. Bend your left arm and rest your elbow and forearm on the mat. Allow your right hand to rest on the mat.
  2. Lift your bottom leg up, down, then up, up, down. Keep your upper body stable, make sure you control your abs, and don't hunch forward. 
  3. Continue for 45 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side. Rest for 30 seconds before continuing to the next round.

Round 4

Situp + Single Arm Press

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  1. Start by lying on your back, with your knees bent and feet on the mat. Hold a single dumbbell in your left hand.
  2. Engage your core and lift your torso to meet your thighs.
  3. Keep your left arm straight the whole time, and press it overhead at the top of the situp.
  4. Repeat for 45 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side. Continue to the next exercise.

Pushup + Thrust

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  1. Start in a high plank position, with a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Move through a pushup, then immediately jump your feet to meet your hands, coming into a low squat position.
  3. Maintaining the squat, bring your dumbbells up to your shoulders.
  4. Pause, then reverse the movement and return to start.
  5. Continue for 45 seconds. Optional: Repeat the entire routine once more.
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