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6 Spirit Animals To Call On When You Need To Break Free From Toxic People

Shannon Kaiser
September 28, 2024
Shannon Kaiser
By Shannon Kaiser
mbg Contributor
Shannon Kaiser is the best-selling author of 5 books on the psychology of happiness and fulfillment including The Self-Love Experiment, Adventures for Your Soul, and Joy Seeker. She has a B.A. in Journalism and Communications from the University of Oregon.
Elephant Spirit Animal
Image by Unsplash
September 28, 2024

It was over a decade ago that I first learned about the concept of spirit animals. I was attending a conference, and the speaker was a clairvoyant—someone who can see images and spirits beyond what we normally see.

As she was giving her speech, she was distracted and kept looking over at me. Finally, she stopped mid-sentence and walked over to me. "My darling, did you know that you have a deer with you, and it has a message?" She continued, "The deer wants you to pay attention to your natural abilities and trust your intuition more—stop second-guessing yourself!"

I was floored. Although I believed in unseen forces assisting us in life, such as guardian angels and spirit animals, I just never thought I had them around me.

The timing felt divine

I had just left my soul-suffocating corporate career working as a designer and art director in advertising. I had recently been diagnosed with clinical depression and was recovering from drug addiction and eating disorders. Every day it seemed like a chore to get out of bed.

I was living through rock bottom, but this animal messenger came to me at the most opportune time to invite me to listen to my inner guide and open myself to new possibilities.

At the time, not only was I feeling depressed because I was in a career transition and uncertain about my future, but I also lived with my boyfriend, who was emotionally and financially abusive and exploitive. I didn't know it was abuse while I was experiencing it; I just knew I felt unsafe, controlled, isolated, invalidated, and disrespected daily.

I needed to leave but felt uncertain of how and when. I started to see more animals come into my path, ones I had never even seen in person before, like snakes and skunks, and I realized these were animal messengers giving me the direction I so desperately needed.

Spirit animal guides have messages to help us through any toxic or sticky situation

Today, my life looks very different from the girl struggling through a dark night of the soul. By listening to my intuition and attuning to my spirit animal helpers, I have transformed many aspects of my life.

I am free of toxic boyfriends and friends, have stronger boundaries, and trust myself and my intuition fully. By working with the healing energy of Gaia, I overhauled my life by removing myself from all limitations—especially toxic relationships and unhealthy patterns and people.

I started to live for myself and reclaim my inner power.

If you are looking for more support through life transition, call upon these spirit animals to help free you from all toxicity. 

Camel: Endurance, persistence & safety

The Camel spirit guide represents strength in uncertainty and endurance in times of struggle. In the same way a camel goes a long time without water, its survival instincts kick in, and it is resourceful, resilient, and never gives up.

Camel is here to help dissolve illusions and mirages. Breaking free from toxicity requires an honest acceptance of what is real versus living in hope that things will change. Instead of staying in an uncomfortable situation, the Camel moves toward safety, one step at a time.

Camel is here to remind you that what you need is already within you to make it to the other side, and there is safety in the unknown. Just be honest with yourself as you persist toward what you truly want.

Camel's affirmation
  • "I focus on the positive and leave everything else behind."

Elephant: Gentleness, intention & stamina 

Breaking free from toxicity can require inner strength, boldness, stamina, and intention. Call upon the Elephant to guide you. The Elephant teaches you how to nourish the mind, body, and spirit so you are strong during trying times.

Elephant's affirmation
  • "I give myself the care and love I so freely give to others."

Deer: Innocence, grace & divine feminine

The Deer guide comes to us in times of self-doubt, self-criticism, and self-blame. Don't let your current situation cloud your judgment of self. It is important to become more aware of your self-deprecating thoughts and how they are limiting your actions. 

The Deer is sensitive and elegant, moving through life not from a place of fear but from one of self-love and self-care. The Deer uses its wisdom and inner strength—and protects its sacred innocence—by knowing when to stay and when to flee. 

Deer's affirmation
  • "I'm gentle with myself and release all blame and shame."

 Skunk: Effectiveness, boundaries & vigilance 

The Skunk has no fear and uses its resourcefulness to assess all situations clearly. Let the Skunk guide you, and use your strength to protect yourself and warn of danger.

It is time to see your worth and own your power, not by asserting dominance but by being an example of what you stand for, demonstrating self-respect through your daily actions.

Skunk's affirmation
  • "I choose my battles carefully and with self-respect."

Scorpion: Vulnerability, adamancy & accountability 

Master of death and awakening, the Scorpion lives in a state of transformation. Call upon this spirit animal to guide you to transition past fear through self-awareness.

The Scorpion is here to invite you to experience a rebirth, especially after the ending of a relationship, dream, or career. Let down your defenses and allow your vulnerability to guide you forward.

Scorpion's affirmation
  • "I examine all toxic tendencies. I am vulnerable with myself and others."

Snake: Regeneration, introspection & fearlessness

When the Snake comes slithering into your life, it's an invitation to let go of what no longer serves you, not from resentment, anger, or fear but with compassion, acceptance, and love.

Shed your "old skin" and let the Snake spirt animal assist you in welcoming in new change. Now is the time for shedding old emotions so you can transform yourself and your life.

Snake's affirmation
  • "I shed the layers of my ego to make room for the new me that is emerging. I accept the transformation."

The takeaway

Animal guides have messages for us, somehow right when we need to see or hear them. Whether it's seeing these animals in real life to happening upon images or reminders of them, they're always there.

The next time you're feeling unsure, stuck, or in need of getting out of a toxic situation, remember you, too, can call on these powerful guides for strength, clarity, and empowerment.

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