
We know that wellness is a way of life, and what we eat and drink plays an important part in it. But even if we acknowledge that a diverse diet is a good one, raise your hand if you tend to stick to what you like and know. Yeah, us, too.
The thing is, our palate can either keep us stuck or lead us on a sensory adventure. Want to expand and try new flavors and textures to shake up routine? Here are a few motivational reasons it's a good idea to step of your comfort zone and try something new for a change.
Novelty is a powerful tool for nourishment.
"A lot of people stop eating healthfully when they get bored of [eating] the same thing," says holistic nutritionist and integrated health coach Ali Shapiro, MSOD, CHHC. "Trying new foods gives us novelty, which most of us need emotionally to not feel deprived." So go for something other than the standard fare for your next food-related decision to keep your appetite healthy, your body satiated, and your brain guessing (in a fun and interesting way).
Delicious new flavors "last" longer.
Have you ever drooled over the clear memory of the first time you sipped a delicious drink or experienced a five-star tasting menu? Science has an explanation: While money can't buy happiness by spending it on things, a series of studies on the topic reminds us our cash can hand us experiences that do. Savoring the mind-blowing taste of new foods and drinks can leave you feeling emotionally satisfied beyond the moment.

One of our favorite easy ways to do this is with drinks. For instance, you already know that a sip of effervescent kombucha can provide your gut with probiotics. But try venturing into live-culture drinks from KeVita's Master Brew Kombucha line—they truly champion the idea of experiencing new tastes. With over 20 flavors, their live-culture beverages come in flavors like Ginger, Pineapple Peach, and Lavender Melon. It's a refreshing experience you might seek long after the bottle is done.
There's a recipe you like for every food on the planet.
Nature offers us a whole wide world of food types and flavor profiles. We don't have to like every single thing, of course, but if you want to expand your preferences, Shapiro suggests attempting new taste adventures with a relaxed mindset, using flavors you love and experimenting with recipes from your community.
For example, Shapiro knew sardines can be part of a healthy diet (all those omega-3 fatty acids) and the planet's, but she could never eat them plain. That is, until a friend cooked sardines in an amazing tomato sauce during a summer outing and paired it with veggies and potatoes. Now she knows she can tickle her taste buds and tweak ingredients to her liking. Is it time to broaden your taste horizons? Your next new favorite food might surprise you.
Adventurous eating can add up to a feel-good life.
We're all about establishing and sticking to routines that are nourishing and supportive. But personal growth comes from venturing into the unknown, which alerts your awareness to life. So, be open to trying new foods and tastes—you might realize that the good outweighs the bad in the end.
Ultimately, it's a cycle that benefits your whole well-being, according to Shapiro. "There's a transcendent effect," she says. "You'll have the energy and moods to make [more] enlivening life choices." Sounds pretty motivating to us.
Disclaimer: The information in this article is the opinion of the author(s) and in no way reflects the policies or positions of KeVita. This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or nutrition advice.