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What All 12 Zodiac Signs Need To Know For September's New Moon In Virgo

Sarah Regan
September 03, 2024
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Image by mbg creative x Taras Kots / Pexels
September 03, 2024

Just like that, September has nearly begun, Virgo season is in full swing, and a Virgo new moon arrives Monday, September 2, just before 9 p.m. EDT.

Being a sign of selfless service, but also self care and organization, Virgo puts the "go" in going back to school, clearing out the old, and preparing for the autumn season to come.

But depending on where this new moon lands in your birth chart, we all have something a little different to expect. Here's what all 12 signs need to know.

Note: Be sure to check your sun and rising signs.


How is your self care regimen looking, Aries? According to astrology expert and author of Astrology SOSImani Quinn, this new moon in Virgo is landing in your sixth house of daily routine, health, organization, and self care. This happens to be the house Virgo is associated with, so you've got the wind at your sails to tap into that energy.

As Quinn explains, the big focus for you right now should be not burning the candle at both ends. You're a sign that can easily burn yourself out, so "Take care of yourself, or the universe may be force you to," Quinn says.


Feeling passionate, Taurus? With this Virgo new moon inspiring your fifth house creativity, self expression, and passion, now's a great time to tap into what really lights you up—and start taking steps to go for it.

As Quinn tells mindbodygreen, under this new moon, "Let your romantic nature rule you today, especially in your love life and your creativity—it will work out in your favor." Think passion projects, letting yourself be heard, and flirting with abandon.


With this new moon in Virgo landing in your fourth house of home and family, Gemini, that's the focus for you right now. And given that new moons are a time for planting seeds and setting intentions, Quinn explains, where does your home life need your attention right now?

According to her, your foundations might be changing—whether that's preparing for a move, or simply making changes in your home and family life. "More responsibility might be coming, so focus on the changes there," Quinn notes.


Time to let yourself be heard, Cancer, as this Virgo new moon moves through your third house of communication and information. But don't forget to listen, too! As Quinn explains, conversations could be sparking new beginnings for you right now.

Of course, just be mindful of your boundaries and make sure your points are landing well, she adds. "This is really about using your voice," Quinn tells mindbodygreen. And P.S., you can use Virgo's keen sense of intellect to help you find the right words under this new moon.


Money on your mind, Leo? With the Virgo new moon influencing your second house of possessions, material security, and money, this is an excellent time to plant some financial seeds. Or as Quinn tells mindbodygreen, "Put your money where your mouth is."

"New financial gains could be headed your way—but not without responsibility," Quinn explains, adding, "Virgo is very much about being responsible with our finances and assets." So just make sure you're walking the walk, not only talking the talk, if you want to bring in some abundance under this new moon.


Happy birthday season, Virgo! With the new moon in your sign, you've got a new chapter starting in your first house of self-image and identity. It's giving "new school year, new me,"—a feeling you're all too familiar with! And another thing you're familiar with? Personal betterment.

As Quinn tells mindbodygreen, "It's time to make a deeper commitment to yourself, make sure that your needs are met, and flourish in the celebration of a job well done." Siri, play Virgo's Groove by Beyoncé!


This could feel like an especially introspective new moon for you, Libra, passing through your 12th house of endings, closure, and the subconscious. It is, after all, coming up on your birthday season, so this is chance to start reflecting on what you'd like to leave behind in this next year.

Quinn suggests asking yourself how your own insight about yourself has changed the way you think and feel. "It can be uncomfortable to address, but it will pave a more grounded path for you forward," she adds.


Ready to do some networking, Scorpio? This Virgo new moon is making moves through your 11th house of larger community and networks, Quinn explains, so it's a great chance to make some meaningful connections with those around you (or even online!).

"Sometimes it's not how long you've known someone that allows them to show up for you," Quinn adds, so be open to new connections that could help ground you and support you. Under this new moon, positive interactions are likely.


It's time to make some career moves, Sagittarius! With the organized and analytical new moon in Virgo landing in your 10th house of career, now's your time to shine, Quinn notes. As she tells mindbodygreen, this could mean more responsibility, but you're more than up for the task.

Especially with Virgo influencing this moon, you're well equipped to handle a new role, more leadership, or even managing a big project. "You are getting your flowers—make sure to bask in it," Quinn says.


You tend to be a sign that plays by the rules and sticks to the books, Capricorn. But once in a while, something like a new moon in Virgo landing in your ninth house of travel and expansion, pushes you to stretch your limits. Such is the case with this new moon!

As Quinn tells mindbodygreen, this could mean starting out on a new path that leads to travel, but it could also be a new venture, way of thinking, class or course—really anything that allows you to expand your mind or your physical boundaries. Whatever it is, Quinn says, embrace it.


Feeling intimate, Aquarius? It's not like you to get vulnerable, but this new moon is literally landing in your eighth house of vulnerability, intimacy, and transformation, Quinn tells mindbodygreen.

"When you allow yourself to open up in your relationships and with yourself, it takes you to new and deeper places, fulfilling you more than scaring you. Give it a try," Quinn advises. And remember, this new moon in Virgo is supporting you to do just that.


Your love life is getting a revamp, Pisces, with the new moon influencing your seventh house of longterm partnership. As Quinn tells mindbodygreen, it's time to build new relationships, just make sure those relationships actually are what they seem.

"Pisces are daydreamers who love the idea of of romance," she explains, so as you daydream, tap into Virgo's grounded, earthy energy to ensure you're building something stable.

The takeaway

With the organized energy of this Virgo new moon bringing a boost of inspiration to all of us, it's just in time for back-to-school and the autumn season to come. And if there's anything Virgo appreciates, it's practicality—so no matter your sign, don't be afraid to really focus on what's right in front of you—and try to make it just a bit better.

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