The Year's First New Moon Is Here & This Is What All 12 Zodiac Signs Need To Know

Each new moon marks the beginning of a fresh lunar cycle, and this time around, it's in the sign of Capricorn. It also happens to be the first new moon of the calendar year, arriving the morning of January 11.
Being a time of new beginnings, setting intentions, and planting seeds, this new moon might also feel particularly disciplined, thanks to Capricorn's influence (and our collective push toward New Year's resolutions).
But depending on where this moon falls in your birth chart, we all have something different to expect. Here's what to know.
Note: Be sure to check your sun and rising signs.
Set your sights on your career goals now, Aries, as the new moon in Capricorn lands in your 10th house of public image and destiny. This is known as the career sector of your chart, and astrology expert and author of Astrology SOS Imani Quinn tells mindbodygreen that you'll serve yourself well to focus on not only your long-term goals—but how you can achieve them.
"Aries is great at making bold moves, so really set your sights and go for it right now. That's the energy that's aligned for you, and you may even receive some unexpected recognition, praise, or a promotion in your work," Quinn adds.
Feeling expansive, Taurus? With the new moon homing in on your ninth house of higher learning and travel, you might be feeling the urge to start a new project, learn a new skill, or jet set to a far-off destination—and you've got the green light from the stars to go for it.
As Quinn tells mindbodygreen, a great question to ask yourself would be, How are you looking to elevate yourself right now? It could be a new certification or class or really anything that helps support your plans for the future. All in all, Quinn adds, "Don't be afraid to invest in new knowledge that could be helpful to the goals you want to accomplish."
It's time to set the stage for a metamorphosis, Gemini, as Quinn tells mindbodygreen this new moon lands in your eighth house of transformation and intimacy. In other words, she says, "It's time to get comfortable with the uncomfortable," adding to get clear on your own inner world and how that inner landscape aligns with your goals.
"This is a transformative period for you, so really identify the things inside of yourself that are aligned with your goals and speak on them—because that's what's going to bring your long-term vision to life," she explains. The eighth house can also be a bit secretive, Quinn notes, but if there's anything about yourself you've been ignoring or wanting to change, it'll be impossible to ignore now.
What are you relationship goals this year, Cancer? According to Quinn, with the new moon amping up your seventh house of partnerships and long-term commitment, now's the time to plant those seeds. As your relationships are highlighted, you'll also be able to clearly see who's loyal—and who's not.
And whether you're single or partnered up, there could be new opportunities for commitment on the horizon, according to Quinn. The seventh house can also deal with business contracts and commitments, so watch out for those too. In short, Quinn tells mindbodygreen, get clear on what you want in the long term, including in your relationships, and align yourself accordingly.
Time to double down on your health resolutions, Leo! With this new moon in Capricorn taking the stage in your sixth house of self-care, organization, and routine, you've basically got the wind in your sails to refine your approach to health.
Capricorn is, after all, easily the most diligent sign in the zodiac, and that diligence can help you set yourself up for success in your health and beyond. As Quinn explains, this is also a good time to ask yourself how your self-care and daily routines are helping (or hindering) your path to success, and making adjustments as needed. "That will help motivate and keep you focused on their goals," she adds.
What are you feeling passionate about lately, Virgo? Or rather—what passion have you been putting off for far too long? As Quinn tells mindbodygreen, with the new moon powering up your fifth house of creativity, passion, and expression, it's time to let yourself be heard.
"If you have a project that's been on the back burner, now is the time to revive it with renewed energy and check back in with your vision and see where it's headed," Quinn says, adding that whatever lights you up with passion and purpose is where you'll find opportunity now. In short, she adds, "Get serious about your creative expression."
Your home life is taking center stage right now, Libra, as this new moon in Capricorn focuses in on your fourth house of family, home, and roots. And with Capricorn's influence, the name of the game here is stability—so your family and home life could need more structure and stability right now, Quinn explains.
Further, she adds, your home life should be a supportive and nurturing space that helps you align with your greater goals. Making adjustments as necessary to create that stability in your home will ultimately support you in your work life too. "Find tangible ways to tend to your home and family, and it'll trickle out to the rest of your life as well," Quinn says.
Ready to open up, Scorpio? We know—not exactly your strong suit. But with the new moon making moves in your third house of communication, Quinn says communicating is exactly what you're meant to do now.
"Communication can be so important when it comes to goals. As they say, the closed mouth doesn't get fed," Quinn explains. Maybe you need to swallow your pride ask for help, or maybe you just need to be better about communicating in general, but the takeaway is to allow yourself to receive help from others. "The more they ask for help, the faster you'll see these new opportunities come in," Quinn adds.
Get your bag, Sagittarius! With this dutiful and disciplined Capricorn new moon powering up your second house of possessions, money, and financial security, you've got a major opportunity for some big money moves right now, according to Quinn.
She tells mindbodygreen that you might be thinking about investing now to reach long-term goals in the future, or even rethinking the way you budget and manage your resources. And remember, we don't just invest money but also our time. So whether it's a financial investment, a work investment, or even investments in assets, "think about how these things can help you plan our your life in the long term," Quinn adds.
Happy birthday to you, Capricorn! It's your season, and that means this new moon is in your sign—and your first house of self and identity. As such, Quinn tells mindbodygreen, this is your season of recognition and also the time all your hard work is paying off.
A new chapter is opening up for you under this moon: one in which you're aligned with your purpose and what it is you truly want. The name of the game? Go for it—whatever it is. Do not hold yourself back, and be open to collaboration or possibilities you hadn't considered! As Quinn adds, the ball is in your court now to show the world what it really means to be the GOAT.
While new moons are generally about beginnings, this one might highlight some endings for you, Aquarius, landing in your 12th house of subconscious, closure, and healing. As such, Quinn says it's worth asking yourself, What is it about my fears that are holding me back from my goals?
Not only that, she adds, but you might need to tap into some inner reserves of courage and strength to push through said fears. Don't be afraid to dig deep; whether it's past traumas, old wounds, or limiting beliefs, Quinn says, you've got to name the fear, understand it—even make friends with it—before you can move beyond it.
You have a strong opportunity to broaden your reach under this new moon, Pisces, as it revs up your 11th house of collectives and larger community. "For Pisces, it's really important to tap into your community at large for support—especially as it pertains to the goals you want to accomplish," Quinn explains.
This could look like anything from asking for help from your network, reaching out to new connections across the globe, or working within your community on a cause you care about. In any case, Quinn says, your networks can lead you toward new opportunities and expand what you're already working on right now. In short? Check "yes" on those invites and put yourself out there!
The takeaway
Capricorn energy is very much "all-work-no-play," and under this new moon, we can all tap into that energy to supercharge our motivation and plant seeds for the coming year. By the Capricorn full moon six months from now, you might just find all that hard work really did pay off.