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September's Horoscope Features The Start Of Eclipse Season + A Couple Of Retrogrades

The AstroTwins
September 05, 2024
The AstroTwins
By The AstroTwins
Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
Image by Julia Volk x mbg creative / Julia Volk x mbg creative
September 05, 2024

September opens with Virgo season in progress, giving us all a much-needed opportunity to bring order to our lives after Leo's playful summer tour. While you're on your efficiency mission until we welcome the fall equinox (and Libra season) on September 22, there are planetary plot twists to contend with: retrogrades, a rare Uranus-Pluto trine, and an eclipse!

Navigating that will require some flexibility on your part as you settle into your back-to-school routines.

The familiar vibes of Uranus & Pluto retrogrades

Two planetary retrogrades that begin in September 2024 could dramatically shift the course of events.

The first, on September 1, is changemaker Uranus backspinning in traditional Taurus. Retrogrades can bring the past back around, and Uranus retrograde could reinvigorate something that was back-burnered or bottlenecked. A stagnated project could pick up speed suddenly—and if it does, give it your attention. Money owed (either to you or by you) may come due.

On the same day, Pluto, retrograde since May 2, backs out of futuristic Aquarius and into strategic Capricorn. Pluto takes a final lap through the sign that rules governments, the economy, and the hierarchy for the last time in our lives. On November 19, Pluto moves into Aquarius for the next 20 years!

Pluto's last act in Capricorn

It's the grand finale of Pluto's 16-year transit through Capricorn, which began on November 27, 2008 (yes, right after another tide-turning U.S. election). Over this long period, Pluto has slowly and indelibly shifted your professional path, your relationship with power and authority, and your public image. 

In March 2023, we got our first glimpse of Pluto's next act in Aquarius. Pluto first entered the sign of the Water Bearer (for the first time since 1798!), then darted back and forth between traditional Capricorn and progressive Aquarius throughout the rest of 2023 and 2024, leaving the world torn between old patterns and future ideals (understatement!).

For the rest of Pluto's time in Capricorn, you might find yourself negotiating power dynamics—and possibly power struggles—with people in authority positions. If you're the one in this role, you may have to create firmer boundaries with those who answer to you. 

Things get interesting when Pluto & Uranus form a harmonious trine

Pluto and Uranus actually form a harmonious 120-degree trine all month long, setting the stage for profound transformation—on a personal and global level. These two cosmic giants last met up in a similar fashion in the early 1920s, ushering in radical social, economic, and political change.

The Virgo new moon gives your September 2024 horoscope master-planning mojo

On September 2, the Virgo new moon bolsters any new objectives you have. Use the weeks that follow to map out everything needed to get you there, from timelines to budgets to the division of labor. If you could use a life edit, the Virgo new moon helps you pare down and prioritize.

Pick your head up from your planning notes, though, and make an effort to get out because two days later, Mars moves out of social Gemini and into homebody Cancer. While the planet of action is in the zodiac's domestic zone, the pull to stay home will feel strong.

You may not feel like hitting the clubs, but it's too early for cuffing season. It's an ideal time to gather with your coziest friends and family, around a meal or a low-key activity.

Eclipse season begins on September 17

Two of 2024's four game-changing eclipses occur this month and next, shaking up the status quo. 

The September 2024 eclipse occurs on September 17, in Pisces. Eclipses can push us off the fence if we've been wishy-washy or procrastinating. Unexpected events occur during eclipses, and a whole area of our lives can change in short order. This can feel either exciting or daunting. It's best to stay alert and expect the unexpected during eclipse season and be open to what changes may come.

This partial lunar (full moon) eclipse in Pisces starts a brand-new eclipse series on the Pisces/Virgo axis that stretches into February 2027. These eclipses will help you find a healthy balance between control and surrender, service and sacrifice, work and mental health.

This isn't a to-do list; it's an invitation to revamp these areas of your life over the next couple years. Whether that means getting into the best shape of your life or digging into deeply rooted childhood issues, psychological blocks or core wounds, the mid-September eclipse will catalyze your healing journey.

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