These Sea Salt Chocolate Truffles Might Be The Most Delicious Way To Get Your Daily Probiotics

Does anything sound better than the gut-healing powers of probiotics mixed with the sweet, creamy goodness of refined-sugar-free chocolate with big chunks of flaky sea salt? In her new book, Tasty. Naughty. Healthy. Nice., Susan Jane White has made the dream come true, with these Sea Salt Probiotic Chocolates.
"Probiotic means pro-life. Naturally fermented food like yogurt is brimming with live probiotic bacteria to keep your internal ecosystem in balance. I understand how foul this may sound, but, trust me, these guys are on our side. Without healthy strains of live bacteria, our food would not be sufficiently broken down in our guts or absorbed by our bodies," explains Susan. "Thrush, bloating, and dodgy bowel movements tend to be the most common symptoms of intestinal imbalance."
She created these chocolates as a welcome alternative to more typical probiotic fare like fermented food and yogurts. "We use them as currency in our house when necessary. Our toddlers will sing 'Humpty Dumpty' in Mandarin for them. So will my husband."
Sea Salt Probiotic Chocolates
Makes 40 to 50
- ¼ (65 mL) melted cacao butter
- ½ cup (125 mL) raw agave, barley malt extract, or brown rice syrup
- ⅓ cup (35 g) cacao or cocoa powder
- ¼ cup (70 g) cashew butter
- 2 tablespoons hot water
- 2 tablespoons hazelnut butter (or more cashew butter)
- 1 tablespoon probiotic powder
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or powder
- ½ teaspoon flaky sea salt
- 3 tablespoons raw cacao powder, to dust
- Melt the cacao butter in a bain-marie. All this means is placing the broken shards of butter in a shallow bowl set over a pan of barely simmering water. Make sure the bowl is at least 10 cm above the simmering water. Remove from the heat and let the cacao butter naturally melt over the hot water for 5 minutes.
- Blitz the remaining ingredients (except the raw cacao powder for dusting) in a food processor. Keep the motor running, and slowly add the melted cacao butter in a steady stream. The addition of ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper is rumored to make your tongue dance and your pulse quicken. Just saying.
- Refrigerate in the same bowl, with the blade intact, for about 1 to 3 hours. If the mixture seems too hard or you’ve forgotten about it in the fridge, blitz it again to loosen it up. (That’s why it’s useful to leave the blade in.)
- Put the raw cacao powder in a bowl or shallow plate. Roll the mixture into little bonbons between your palms, then drop into the raw cacao powder. They can be frozen for up to 3 months. Glory be to the icebox!
Based on excerpts from Tasty. Naughty. Healthy. Nice. by Susan Jane White, with the permission of Roost Books, a division of Shambhala Publications. Copyright © 2017.