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Sagittarius Compatibility Sign By Sign, According To Astrology Experts

Sarah Regan
February 08, 2025
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Couple Embracing
Image by Caleb Gaskins
February 08, 2025
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Sagittarius is known for being the spontaneous and philosophical archer of the zodiac, so when it comes to compatibility, which other signs do they get along with? Here's how Sag fares in love with each of the 12 zodiac signs.

Sagittarius & Aries

When you pair an Aries with a Sagittarius, you're sure to have a relationship full of passion and adventure. After all, Sag is the world-traveling adventurer of the zodiac, and who better to take along for the ride than fun-loving and ready-to-roll Aries? In terms of keeping up with each other, these two have no issues there.

And according to astrology expert Imani Quinn, this duo will always be exploring and taking risks—something they both thrive on. Committing might take a while, thanks to Sag's tendency to avoid settling down and Aries' short attention span, but if they do, they'll find natural camaraderie and friendship together.

This is generally the case when two signs of the same element get together. In the case of Sag and Aries, two fire signs, the one thing they need to watch out for is flaring tempers and being too harsh with each other.

Sagittarius & Taurus

In a Sagittarius and Taurus matchup, both people might find they're constantly running up against difficulty or incongruence. As astrologer Molly Pennington, Ph.D., previously explained to mindbodygreen, there isn't a whole lot to support the relationship because they sit to the side of each other's opposition, "so they're not able to make major aspects with each other," she explains.

Sag is mutable fire, for instance, and Taurus is fixed earth, "so a Taurus is never going to move with as much agility as a Sagittarius requires, and a Sagittarius is never going to sit still long enough for the Taurus to trust the process with them," adds astrologer Jennifer Racioppi.

"The thing that's interesting about this particular dynamic is there's this push-pull," Racioppi says. "No Taurus can ever be pushed into something they don't want to do—they have to want to do it. And the Sagittarius doesn't take no for an answer—they can be a bit of a bully.

"And so it's those shadow components in this dynamic that are problematic if you put that in a friendship or partnership," she adds.

Sagittarius & Gemini

These two signs sit opposite each other on the zodiac wheel, and some believe astrological opposites are actually astrological soul mates, creating balance and harmony. "We've got an air sign and a fire sign, so there's an element of 'fanning the flames,'" Pennington says, noting that these two signs can each fuel the other.

They're also both mutable, with mutability lending itself to a certain adaptability that both signs share. Where Gemini wants to collect information, analyze it, and immerse themselves in their immediate environment, Sagittarius expands on those themes through philosophy, higher learning, and travel. It really is like two sides of the same coin, with these signs offering what the other may lack.

"There's a sense of duality and a willingness to see the other side with these two. They do have the ability to come together," Pennington explains, adding, "There's a potential for harmony and a way to balance power when you can see the opposition as offering something that the other side might lack."

Sagittarius & Cancer

The truth is, Sag and Cancer could not be more different. They're of different elements (water versus fire), modalities (cardinal versus mutable), and polarities (yin versus yang), so where do they find common ground?

As the AstroTwins previously wrote for mindbodygreen, couples that are five signs apart can form a fascinating, complex combination that defies explanation—the original odd couple. "You'll either feel like you're with your soul mate or the devil incarnate. 'How did those two end up together?' people will wonder. Your bond is intense, unspoken, almost secretive in a way," the twins explain.

Sag and Cancer also approach relationships very differently—and have different reasons for wanting a relationship in the first place. Like all the water signs, relationships for Cancer are all about emotional safety, security, and family. For Sag, they're about freedom within the relationship, spontaneity, and adventuring together. That's why the twins say for this pair to work, they'll both need to have done "the requisite self-awareness work."

Sagittarius & Leo

Like Sagittarius and Aries, Sag and Leo form a trine aspect in their mutual element of fire, creating an unspoken kinship and harmony in this good match. At last, you don't have to constantly explain yourself in this pair, according to the twins. "You've never felt so comfortable, so understood on a core level," they explain.

In trine relationships, you will need to preserve some mystery to keep things exciting, though. "Make sure you stay active and on the go, and don't do everything together. A little autonomy goes a long way to keep the passion alive," the twins recommend, adding that this relationship can help you learn how to let down your guard and be yourself, and offer you a best friend and a partner in one."

And in the case of Sag and Leo specifically, they need to remember their different modalities. Leo may be more stubborn or close-minded than philosophical and free-spirited Sag, which could frustrate both of them.

Sagittarius & Virgo

According to astrologer Desiree Roby Antila, Virgo and Sagittarius have a seemingly unlikely connection that promotes a lot of growth over time. Not only will there be a lot of attraction between these two, but when they really commit (a rare occurrence for both of them, for what it's worth), they only get stronger together.

Antila tells mindbodygreen that Virgo and Sagittarius bond and understand each other through their shared mutable modality. Even though these signs form a "square" aspect, which is not typically considered easy, Roby Antila says they're able to offer each other something the other doesn't have over time.

"Virgo is attracted to Sag's fiery, bright expansiveness," she says, noting that Sagittarius will appreciate feeling seen and loved by dependable Virgo. Plus, she notes, both of these signs are one for humor and will enjoy a connection with a lot of banter, back and forth, and laughter. "When you look at the signs of some of the greatest comedians of all time, a lot of them are Virgo and Sagittarius, so you've got a couple of clowns here," Roby Antila adds.

Sagittarius & Libra

With two "benefic" planets ruling Sagittarius and Libra (Jupiter and Venus, respectively), this is an astrological matchup full of joy, pleasure, fun, spontaneity, and laughter. And sitting two signs apart on the zodiac wheel, they also form a sextile, which the twins describe as an "easy, breezy" connection.

These two signs often have similar values and attitudes about politics, raising a family, which movies to rent, and so on, according to the twins, who add that friendship and communication are the hallmarks of this partnership.

Both of these signs appreciate being social and keeping up with culture and knowledge. You'll definitely catch them out at the latest hot spot or spontaneously taking a weekend trip to a big city.

One little thing to watch out for, though, is keeping the spark alive. As the twins explain, being best friends is easy, but you might want to structure "date nights" or set up scenarios that get you out of "buddy-mode."

Sagittarius & Scorpio

When it comes to Sag and Scorpio, Sagittarius will initially see Scorpio as a challenge but further, one they have no problem rising to. The harder something is to achieve, the more the Sagittarius wants to go after it, and Scorpio certainly knows how to make themselves elusive.

As astrologer Amber Harkin of The Cosmic Playground previously told mindbodygreen, "[These two signs] mostly experience life through a completely different lens. However, that is what makes them most fascinating to each other. If they remain open, they might see how their energies can actually help bring out parts hidden within the other."

And as Roby Antila adds, Scorpio and Sag will also bond over their attempts to answer life's most burning questions. "If Sag and Scorpio are able to burn their flame steadily rather than at both ends, they will have a powerful connection," she adds.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius

It's not every day you see two people of the same sign together, but it's not unheard of—and in the case of two Sagittariuses getting together, it can go plenty of ways. As the twins explain, if you date someone of the same sign, you've probably embraced your quirks and accepted your humanity. Together, you can celebrate your kindred spirits.

If you haven't learned to love yourself, however, the twins say this relationship can inspire some crucial self-acceptance. They also note that while "twinning" might be comfortable, autonomy is important to keep that frisky friction.

"Maintain some separation between your lives, even if it's easy to hang out together. Otherwise, passion may cool to a brother-sister vibe," the twins explain.

If this relationship does naturally form, they've likely attracted each other to learn what it's like for someone to be with them, and to see their own best (and worst) qualities mirrored right back to them.

Sagittarius & Capricorn

A relationship between Sag and Capricorn isn't typically thought of as a natural fit, according to astrologer Kayse Budd, M.D., who notes they will likely be more challenged by each other than other more compatible matchups.

Just consider their ruling planets: Jupiter and Saturn. Where Jupiter wants to expand and experience all the abundance life has to offer, Saturn imposes itself with restrictions in order to find discipline and structure. As Budd puts it, if Sagittarius is a "yes-man," Capricorn can be a "no-man."

Perhaps Capricorn will be endeared by Sagittarius' constant craving for adventure, for example, or Sagittarius might admire Capricorn's diligence and work ethic. Understanding that "you're not going to be inherently the same, with different tendencies and priorities," is key, according to Budd.

Sagittarius & Aquarius

Like Sagittarius and Libra, Sag and Aquarius form a sextile aspect, which is considered a more positive or favorable aspect. After all, when you bring fire and air together, flames tend to grow—or get blown out.

Aquarius and Sag will often have similar values and attitudes, as they're both forward-thinking and progressive signs. They'll always keep each other on their toes with great conversation and ideas. "Friendship and communication are the hallmarks of this aspect," the twins note.

Of course, friendship doesn't always translate to passionate romance, so the twins advise structuring date nights to help get you out of "buddy mode." Ultimately, though, this relationship is one of great communication, as well as feeling seen and heard. They may even get together after years of natural friendship.

Sagittarius & Pisces

While Pisces is ruled by Neptune in modern astrology, in ancient astrology, its planetary ruler was Jupiter. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter too, so what these two share in common is an expansive quality and a happy-go-lucky attitude. As Quinn explains, these two will likely revel in traveling, learning new things, or otherwise expanding their minds.

What they do need to watch out for, though, is Sagittarius' occasional lack of tact. "That could end up hurting a Pisces because they're very sensitive, and a Pisces could end up annoying a Sag," Quinn says, adding, "There are going to be some incompatibilities in the way they move and communicate with each other that can be somewhat challenging."

At the end of the day, water and fire don't exactly go together, so minding each other's needs and differences will be paramount for these two.

The takeaway

When it comes to astrological compatibility, comparing both people's entire charts (aka "synastry" or relationship astrology) is always your best bet to get the full picture. But in terms of the Sagittarius archetype, it's clear that certain signs tend to get along with them better than others.

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