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Here's Everything You Need To Know About Sagittarius & Aquarius Compatibility

Sarah Regan
March 16, 2025
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Image by Thais Ramos Varela / Stocksy
March 16, 2025
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Your zodiac sign can reveal so much about your personality, preferences, and even who you're most compatible with. And when it comes to Sagittarius and Aquarius, these two signs will find they naturally click together—if they can both get over their fear of commitment.

Here's what to know about Sagittarius and Aquarius compatibility in love, friendship, and more.

Understanding Sagittarius & Aquarius

In order to understand the compatibility behind these two signs, let's take a closer look at what Aquarius and Sag are all about:

Sagittarius overview

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the astrological year and is associated with the ninth house of growth, expansive thinking, and global travel. Sagittarius is a fire sign ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, and it's also a mutable sign. Its polarity is yang (masculine).

Sag is symbolized by the centaur (or archer), which represents this sign's quest to seek higher truths and wisdom.

They are also known for being:

  • Spontaneous
  • Adventurous
  • Brash
  • Adaptable
  • Curious
  • Free-spirited
  • Happy-go-lucky
  • Independent

Aquarius overview

Aquarius is the 11th sign of the astrological year and is associated with the 11th house of networks, collectives, and the future. It's an air sign ruled by Uranus, the planet of revolution and radical change (though in ancient astrology, it was ruled by Saturn). Aquarius' modality is fixed, and it's a yang (masculine) sign.

Aquarius is symbolized by the water bearer, often depicted as a person pouring out a jug of water. This symbolizes sweeping away the past and clearing away stagnant thinking to make room for what's next.

Aquarians are known for being:

  • Creative
  • Humanitarian
  • Independent
  • Intellectual
  • Rebellious
  • Quirky
  • Emotionally aloof
  • Stubborn

Sagittarius & Aquarius astrological compatibility

If you've ever wondered why certain signs get along better than others, it all comes down to the "aspects" or angles formed by two people's signs and birth charts.

In the case of a Sag and Aquarius matchup, these two form a "sextile" or 60-degree angle, being just two signs apart. And according to the AstroTwins, it's easy and breezy to date a person who lives two zodiac signs away.

"Your signs are always of a compatible element [fire and air], making this a great match," the twins say. After all, when you bring fire and air together, flames tend to grow. "You'll often have similar values and attitudes about politics, raising a family, which movies to rent, etc.," the twins add.

The real hallmark of this connection is ultimately friendship and communication, but the twins warn that friendship doesn't always translate to passionate romance. As such, they advise structuring date nights to help get you out of "buddy mode."

Aquarius and Sag will often have similar values and attitudes, as they're both forward-thinking and progressive signs. They'll always keep each other on their toes with great conversation and ideas. "Friendship and communication are the hallmarks of this aspect," the twins note.

In general, Aries and Sag tend to be a good match, but before we dive deeper into how they fare in love and friendship, it's important to note that you need both people's full birth charts (aka a synastry reading) to get the whole picture of their compatibility.

That being said, here's a bit more on how these two signs match up.

Sagittarius & Aquarius friendship

In a friendship, Sag and Aquarius will immediately feel a sense of camaraderie and familiarity. They're not so alike that they're the same, but they have many of the same values, like independence, higher thinking, and even socializing.

These are the avant-garde hipsters who always know where the cool new spot in town is. They're free-spirited and ahead of their time, and you can likely catch them talking about deep topics like philosophy, science, or the universe.

They're both fairly progressive signs as well, with Aquarius focusing more on humanity and Sagittarius focusing more on freedom and intellectual growth. When they pair up on a project, whether as community organizers or even as coworkers, they can make serious headway.

Again, thinking about the energies of fire and air, Sag and Aquarius feed off each other in a way that is energizing and mutually satisfying for both of them. These friends have a natural rapport, kinship, and tend to be on the same page about most things.

Sagittarius & Aquarius in love & romance

In a romantic relationship, many of the hallmarks of a Sagittarius and Aquarius friendship apply as well, like easy communication and aligned values.

In fact, according to the twins, they often attract each other in order to learn what it's like to be with a "best friend with benefits," giving them the possibility of great communication with a mate, as well as how to speak up, listen, and be heard. They'll also learn how to keep the spark going when it stops lighting itself automatically. (Again, strong friendly vibes within a relationship don't always mean steamy or sensitive romance.)

Speaking of friendship, it's possible this couple may even get together after years of natural friendship. It's like "a no-pressure gig with someone who doesn't demand more than you can give," the twins add.

And considering Sag and Aquarius can both be a bit aloof and non-committal, being with someone who doesn't demand too much of them is paramount.

As astrology expert Evan Nathaniel Grim previously told mindbodygreen, life is one big adventure for Sagittarius, so if they're going to date anyone, that person better be able to keep up. As Grim explains, Sag can be restless and hard to pin down, so rather than fight it, they need to find someone who doesn't pin them down.

Similarly, Aquarius is ahead of their time and takes an unconventional approach to love, according to Grim. "Aquarius appreciates a similar, unorthodox approach—or at the very least someone who champions the Aquarius' sense of responsibility to the collective," he says.

Fortunately, this makes these two a great match for each other. They might be a bit aloof with each other at first, since neither of them like emotional commitments, but if they can get over that, they can have a strong and fulfilling relationship.


There are plenty of pros and cons within any relationship, especially depending on the individuals in question. Sag and Aquarius definitely have plenty going for them astrologically, with their compatible elements that feed off each other and their similar approaches to independence and individuality.

Plus, as aforementioned, these two will find that their mutual independence makes them feel free within the relationship, which will be extremely important to both of them.

As Grim notes, the right person for Sagittarius will also have that zest for life that keeps them traveling to far off places and trying new things. He advises Sag to look for someone who's open-minded, adventurous, and honest, so they'll never feel like the relationship is holding them back.

Aquarius, with their own independent and adventurous streak, is a great match for Sagittarius. and vice versa, Aquarius will feel inspired and energized by Sag's passion and drive.

Together, they encourage and support each other towards their individual and shared goals and maintain a level of friendly communication that serves as the foundation of their bond.


One big caveat to this relationship is a certain emotional coolness that can happen when you bring fire and air together. After all, both signs are yang, or masculine, leaning more towards intellectual and linear thinking.

As such, these two can feel an emotional distance from each other that might leave one or both feeling uncertain. It's important that both people in this dynamic learn how to both identify and express their emotions with each other, rather than letting things go unsaid.

Similarly, they may have trouble getting their relationship off the ground in the beginning because both Sag and Aquarius can be wary of tying themselves down.

Then there's the fact that Aquarius is fixed while Sagittarius is mutable. Aquarius may be progressive, but their fixed quality makes them significantly more type-A or stubborn than easy-going Sag. If Sagittarius doesn't mind going with Aquarius' flow, it's not always an issue, but Sag may need to get discerning about what they actually want, as to not be repeatedly steamrolled by Aquarius.

Of course, these things don't have to be dealbreakers if both individuals are willing and able to understand these dynamics and work with them within the relationship.

The takeaway

For Aquarius and Sagittarius, whether in love or friendship, they'll find this relationship is full of comfort, camaraderie, and shared values. No relationship is perfect, but these two can get pretty close when done right.

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