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14 Mantras Wellness Leaders Swear By

Leigh Weingus
September 09, 2017
Leigh Weingus
By Leigh Weingus
mbg Contributor
Leigh Weingus is a New York City based freelance journalist writing about health, wellness, feminism, entertainment, personal finance, and more. She received her bachelor’s in English and Communication from the University of California, Davis.
Photo by Christine Hewitt
September 09, 2017

Here at mbg, revitalize is in full swing—and we already have so many valuable take-aways from our time spent nestled in the luscious mountains above Tucson. From a crazy relaxing guided meditation with Light Watkins and Caley Alyssa's soul-satisfying yoga session and lessons in ear acupuncture with Parsley Health medical director Tiffany Lester, we can't get enough.

Whether you're joining us live or tuning in from home, taking a moment to yourself to meditate today is important—and having a strong mantra helps with this process tremendously. If you're looking for a new mantra of your own or want to know what leaders in the wellness space are using for their meditations, here are some inspiring mantras from this year's amazing revitalize attendees:

"May I use the gifts I have been given to serve others today." Todd McCullough, fitness expert, TMAC Fitness founder, and mbg class instructor

"To see if I am present, I ask myself, 'where am I?'" —Biet Simkin, meditation teacher and mbg class instructor

"I am grateful for all challenges in my life; I am eternally guided." —Lauren Bongiorno, RYT 200 and health coach

"I am strong. I am capable. I can do anything I put my mind to." —Krista Stryker, HIIT instructor and founder of 12-Minute Athlete

"I am breathing in; I am breathing out." Lisa Hayim, M.S., R.D.

Photo: @kinkysweat

"Anything is possible, and it begins with your mind." —Alicia Archer, AFAA-certified group fitness instructor

"Be the energy you want to attract." —Lauren Roxburgh, foam-rolling expert and mbg class instructor

"I choose calm and easiness over stress." —Rachel Mansfield, recipe developer, food stylist, and wellness and lifestyle blogger

"'I am (inhale) at peace (exhale)." —Aviva Romm, M.D., midwife, and herbalist

"My mantra this year has been to 'live light.' Whether it's physical possessions, toxic relationships, negative self-talk, or a packed schedule, it can sometimes feel very heavy. This year has been about releasing and embracing the flow of life. To feel lighter in my spirit, in my body, in my home and each day recommitting to that intention. Creating that space has led to incredible opportunities that otherwise would not have had the room to exist." —Dr. Tiffany Lester, medical director of Parsley Health

"I value my soul's purpose and can align everything I do with it." —Sadie Lincoln, Barre3 founder

"'I forgive you.' It's really powerful!" —Ashley Neese, breath work expert and energy medicine practitioner

"When I was recovering from an injury, I often said to myself, 'I am whole. I am healing. I am healthy.'" —Shauna Harrison, Ph.D., fitness instructor, and mbg class instructor

Want to watch revitalize live? Get all the details here. And if you have any questions about the future of food you'd like answered, we want to hear them! Get in touch at

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