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May 15, 2014
Apple has a lovely way of calming broccoli’s often, er, “well-announced” flavor ... and a bit of ginger gives this juice a refreshing heat. If you’re looking to hide the flavor of the broccoli entirely, simply juice an additional apple, or add a touch of stevia.
A Perfectly Refreshing Green Juice With A Ginger Kick
Makes approximately 16 ounces
- 2 large sweet apples, cored
- 3 cups chopped broccoli
- 2 celery stalks
- 1 inch fresh ginger root
- 1 lemon, juiced
- sweetener, to taste (optional)
Juice the apples, broccoli, celery, and ginger root. Stir in the lemon juice. Add a touch of sweetener like stevia, as desired.
For an extra green boost, add 1/2 teaspoon spirulina powder (or more, to taste) and mix in a shaker cup or blender to incorporate.
This recipe is excerpted from Superfood Juices, available now.
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