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Too Much Candy? This Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Will Stabilize Your Blood Sugar, Stat

Liz Moody
November 01, 2018
Liz Moody
Author & Podcaster
By Liz Moody
Author & Podcaster
Liz Moody is the host of the top-rated The Liz Moody Podcast, author of bestselling books "100 Ways to Change Your Life," "Healthier Together: Recipes for Two—Nourish Your Body, Nourish Your Relationships," and "Glow Pops," and a popular online content creator who has helped millions of people transform their lives. A regular speaker, panelist, and podcast guest, Liz shares her own deeply personal anxiety journey that led her to where she is now as well as actionable, fun, and science-based ways for everyone to live their best lives.
Image by Dobránska Renáta / Stocksy
November 01, 2018

I'm a self-professed sugar addict. At work, my desk is the one co-workers rely on for healthy-ish versions of chocolate bars, brownies, and more—my husband teases that I tested the healthy desserts for my upcoming cookbook 10 times more than the rest of the recipes. "You're still testing them," he tells me, "and you've already turned everything in." Hey, I wanted them to be perfect—and I can't help it if fun-size healthy Snickers bars are addictive.

That said, I know how sugar makes me feel (anxious, inflamed), so I try to limit it to reasonable amounts—and when I just don't have the willpower (we're all works in progress), I make sure I'm armed with this drink, which helps me feel almost instantly better.

There are a few secrets to my favorite anti-sugar elixir, the first being wellness darling apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar helps balance blood sugar by blocking the absorption of starch in the body; it also contains pectin, which aids in digestion and has been found in a number of studies to help with weight loss.

Here, I use it in combination with cinnamon, another blood sugar balancer1 that also makes the whole drink taste like apple cider. Finally, I add in chia seeds—yes, chia seeds. A chia fresca is a famous, ancient Mexican drink, where the Tarahumara Indians have been using it for thousands of years to increase energy and hydration. The little seeds are packed with digestion-aiding fiber (they're renowned M.D. Terry Wahls' favorite constipation-reliever) and blood-sugar-balancing healthy fat. They also make the drink, in my opinion, way more fun to drink—think of it as a more natural, health-supportive version of boba tea.

I whip up a batch whenever I'm coming off the back of an overindulgence, which, of course, exist in abundance during the holiday season.

Cinnamon-y Apple Cider Chia Fresca


  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (with the mother)
  • 1½ cups cold water
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ⅛ teaspoon sea salt
  • Honey to taste
  • 2 teaspoons of whole chia seeds


  1. Stir together apple cider vinegar, water, cinnamon, sea salt, and honey to taste until well-combined. Stir in the chia seeds and let sit for 10 minutes before drinking, stirring regularly as you consume.
  2. Stir in the chia seeds and let sit for 10 minutes before drinking, stirring regularly as you consume.

You can make a big batch of this ahead of time and store in the fridge for up to a week—just shake or stir well before consuming.

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