Pluto In Aquarius Is Set To Take The Stage—Here's What To Know

You may have been hearing whispers of the "Age of Aquarius" recently—or maybe you've even heard the hit song—but what is actually all about? And are we about to enter it? It sure seems so, as Pluto is posed to move into Aquarius for nearly two decades.
Here's what that means for us.
What does Pluto represent astrologically?
When we take a look at our solar system, Pluto is the farthest planet out. As such, it takes the longest to make its rounds around the sun, spending up to three decades in one sign at a time.
Astrologically speaking, Pluto is often considered the planet that marks generations. It's also the planet that rules Scorpio in modern astrology, with both Pluto and Scorpio sharing themes around rebirth and transformation.
Ultimately, Pluto influences big shifts in society, especially around power and control, setting the tone for the world at large depending on which sign it's in.
And now that it's about to move into Aquarius, it's going to be significantly different than the Capricorn energy we've been feeling since 2008. Capricorn is a sign all about structure, discipline, and tradition, so when it comes to changing with the times, let's just say it isn't exactly an early adopter.
Aquarius, on the other hand, couldn't be more different. Aquarius is literally known to be the quirky, avant-garde one of the bunch who is way ahead of their time—and that means big changes for us.
Why Pluto in Aquarius will be a game changer
Pluto actually first moved into Aquarius back in March, but it's been retrograde in Capricorn since May. We can think of this retrograde like Capricorn's last attempt to hold on, or a dance between the old and new world.
But on November 19, Pluto is posting up in Aquarius for the long haul—until January 19, 2044! As the AstroTwins recently wrote for mindbodygreen, this twenty-year cycle will bring "groundbreaking transformations to Aquarian areas of life, like science, technology, space travel, and the distribution of community resources."
We've already been seeing these advancements with the surge of A.I. and the increase in globalization through social media, so don't expect it to slow down any time soon. "Progress is Aquarius’ hallmark, and this Pluto cycle will inevitably burn away our resistance to evolving as a species," the twins add.
And BTW, did we mention the last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1778 to 1798? With so many notable events in that time frame (including the American and French Revolutions, the ratification of the Bill of Rights, and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, to name a few), it's safe to say we're in for an interesting 20 years.
And keep in mind, Pluto doesn't just impact us on a collective level, but also on an individual level.
As astrology expert and author of Astrology SOS, Imani Quinn explains, things like collective consciousness, revolutions, rebellions, and increased technological advancements will strongly accelerate. "But this is also a potent time for us individually; we can really use this time to not just look to others for change but to incite change internally," she says.
The takeaway
With Pluto just days away from moving into forward-thinking, humanitarian and innovative Aquarius, it's time for us to leave Capricorn's traditional and serious vibes behind. The age of Aquarius we've heard so much about is finally here, so let's just hope the world is ready for it!