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Your Feng Shui Forecast and Flower Ally for 2023 — Year of the Black Yin Water Rabbit

Anjie Cho
January 26, 2023
Anjie Cho
By Anjie Cho
mbg Contributor
Anjie Cho is an architect, feng shui educator and author of Holistic Spaces: 108 Ways to Create a Mindful and Peaceful Home. She is a New York State registered architect, a graduate in Architecture from the College of Environmental Design at the University of California at Berkeley, LEED Accredited Professional, and certified feng shui consultant from the BTB Feng Shui Masters Training Program.
January 26, 2023
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This article was a collaboration between Anjie Cho and Katie Hess.

The Lunar New Year falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice, when the moon is dark in the sky. Over the next 15 days, it waxes as it begins to get brighter and brighter. In the Asian system, this particular time of year is a festive and transitional time to reflect, look inward, as well as expand your heart to welcome in the new energies that give birth in spring. 

The Rabbit swiftly hops into 2023 with grace, kindness, and the gentle energy of black yin water element. The quiet Rabbit invites us to cultivate qualities of subtle discernment and reminds us to work with all five of our senses: sight, sound, touch, hearing, and taste.

Yin water element is like mist, dew, or light rain that nourishes the soil. This year we can notice and benefit from an abundance of water qualities like resourcefulness, adaptability, creativity, wisdom, and intuition.

Each Chinese zodiac animal has a connection with the rabbit, and like a weather forecast, it's helpful to understand the relationship so you can navigate this year with as much ease as possible. Lucky for you, we've rounded up a Chinese astrology forecast, a feng shui tip, and a plant ally for each zodiac animal for this Rabbit year.

Note: If your birthday is between January 1 and February 4, your zodiac animal is the preceding year. If you are born on the cusp, please consult a Chinese almanac to confirm.

Rat 子

  • 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
  • Rats embody resourcefulness
  • Best with: Dragon, Monkey, and Ox
  • Challenging relationship with: Horse, Ram

Rats and Rabbits have a lot of similar energetic styles, so in 2023, align your energy with the peaceful Rabbit and use your resourceful nature. 

Feng shui tip:

Explore one of the five senses in your home that you have been neglecting. Tune into sight, sound, touch, hearing, or taste.

Flower ally:

Sink into the deep level of trust in yourself and unravel step-by-step as it unfolds with the eagle fern plant. Try to remain rooted in spaciousness and grounded in nourishment, which allows you to continue to create what "feels" right.


Ox 丑

  • 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
  • Oxen embody practicality
  • Best with: Snake, Rooster, and Rat
  • Challenging relationship with: Ram, Horse

Take some time to appreciate beauty in the world in 2023. Art and beauty can be found in the everyday—don't disregard the power of ordinary magic.

Feng shui tip:

Create stability this year in your home with the earth element. Your floors are earth element in feng shui. Deep clean your floors with joy, and walk barefoot, feeling your home's textures.

Plant ally:

Enhance your ability to receive and embrace a more fulfilling realization of your potential with red cup water lily. Listen deeply in order to recognize the divine within yourself and the people around you.

Tiger 寅

  • 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
  • Tigers embody dynamism
  • Best with: Horse, Dog, and Pig
  • Challenging relationship with: Monkey, Snake

For 2023, pounce on an opportunity. Take your time and use the thoughtful energy of the Rabbit to your advantage. The Rabbit energy will be a huge relief after the challenging chi (life force energy) of last year.

Feng shui tip:

Stretch out in the sunniest spots in your home and cat nap, lay low, rest, and recuperate after 2022. 

Plant ally:

Embody dynamism with pomegranate. Expand creativity and build your stores of chi to make your next moves in life while nurturing yourself. 

Rabbit 卯

  • 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
  • Rabbits embody grace
  • Best with: Ram, Pig, and Dog
  • Challenging relationship with: Rooster, Dragon

For 2023, use the yin water chi for support, and look for opportunities to help others to find more peace. Those born in the year of the Rabbit will have a challenging year—take the time to slow down and take care of yourself.

Feng shui tip:

Lean on your most loyal friends, especially those born in the year of the Dog or actual dogs! Plus, make your home your greatest friend. Also, don't be afraid to speak your voice. Keep your doors working properly, as they represent your voice in feng shui. 

Plant ally:

Feel shielded and protected with a deep level of connection by introducing yourself to jade vine. Strengthen your ability to let go and be present for opportunities to help others and find more engagement.

Dragon 辰  

  • 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
  • Dragons embody strength
  • Best with: Rat, Monkey, and Rooster
  • Challenging relationship with: Rabbit, Dog

Take your time this year and fly up high in the sky to gain a clear vision of where to go next. You have a challenging relationship with the Rabbit chi, so don't forget to ask for help this year.

Feng shui tip:

This is the year to rely not on your boldness but rather your compassion. If something special falls apart in your home, thank it with humble gratitude and then let it go. 

Plant ally:

Fly high up into the sky and get a bird's-eye view of clear vision with pear blossom. Gently reflect and take inventory of what's inside of you. Slow down for quiet introspection.

Snake 巳

  • 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
  • Snakes embody wisdom
  • Best with: Ox, Rooster, and Monkey
  • Challenging relationship with: Tiger, Pig

The Rabbit energy in 2023 is more supportive for you than that of the Tiger last year. Your wisdom and grace are perfectly aligned with this year's energy. Find peace in it.

Feng shui tip:

Find the quiet spots in your home, and make them shine. Clean, refresh, and attend to them. Shed your skin and let go of any debris from the Tiger year.

Plant ally:

Wisdom and grace are perfectly aligned with this year's energy. Share those ideas and cultivate them with fire star orchid. Time for your wild ideas to be seen; expand something new and fresh to the world. 

Horse 午

  • 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
  • Horses embody independence
  • Best with: Tiger, Dog, and Ram
  • Challenging relationship with: Rat, Ox

The horse moves swiftly this year, just how you like it. Find your stride and let your fiery nature seek new adventures.

Feng shui tip:

Space clear the energy in your home regularly and allow your home to be a place to energize. Bring the outside in with green plants and spend time in nature.

Plant ally:

Speak your truth and harness all the wild energy into new adventures with the black bat flower. Shake your wild mane and break the status quo without hurting others' feelings.

Ram 未

  • 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
  • Rams embody compassion
  • Best with: Rabbit, Pig, and Horse
  • Challenging relationship with: Ox, Rat

The Ram and Rabbit appreciate each other and find harmony together. Enjoy the kindness you offer the world, and notice when it is reflected back at you this year. Be vulnerable and open to connections.

Feng shui tip:

Connect with your community. Invite friends and family over for dining, pleasure, and fun. Make it extra with feng shui by keeping fresh flowers on your dining table.

Plant ally:

Notice the kindness that you give and when it's reflected back at you. Passion flower is a wild, alien-like flower that slows you down a little so you can really tune into people and not miss things along the way. Supports sleep and a deeper connection with your dreams. 

Monkey 申

  • 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
  • Monkeys embody curiosity
  • Best with: Rat, Dragon, and Snake
  • Challenging relationship with: Tiger, Pig

For 2023, after your tough clash year with the Tiger in 2022, you can let your charming Monkey nature shine through. Make use of your clever ways to navigate this year with ease.

Feng shui tip:

Enjoy the sweetness in life. Keep a bowl of fresh fruit in your kitchen as a reminder to nourish and enjoy yourself. 

Plant ally:

Let your charming Monkey nature shine, and use your clever ways to navigate this year with Hong Kong orchid. Allow yourself to be seen and heard with deep softness, gentleness, tenderness, and love. 

Rooster 酉

  • 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
  • Roosters embody confidence
  • Best with: Ox, Snake, and Dragon
  • Challenging relationship with: Rabbit, Dog

Those born in the year of the Rooster have a challenging relationship with the Rabbit. Take care of yourself this year, and embrace the quieter energy of the Rabbit as an opportunity to cultivate your sensitive side; it can be a strength.  

Feng shui tip:

Learn what it means to quietly listen. Take time this year to get your home in order. Suggestion, declutter and organize that storage closet you have been neglecting for some time. 

Plant ally:

Show your true vulnerability and emotion while holding space for curiosity and strength to arise. See the elephant in the room and be OK with it because weaknesses are strengths. Expose and reveal yourself a little bit more this year with cannonball flower. 

Dog 戌

  • 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
  • Dogs embody honesty
  • Best with: Tiger, Horse, and Rabbit
  • Challenging relationship with: Dragon, Rooster

In 2023, your loyal and fair-minded nature will serve you well. Plus, the Rabbit is your secret best friend. A perfect match! Share your good luck, as it will be bountiful.

Feng shui tip:

Invite things or people into your home that bring you joy. Treat yourself and take care of those that need your support this year.

Plant ally:

Deepen with less sensitivity in the Bodhi tree leaf. Let go of your barky, growly side to embrace the positivity in your life. Love what's being reflected back to you in a loyal and fair-minded nature. 

Pig 亥

  • 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
  • Pigs embody authenticity
  • Best with: Rabbit, Ram, and Tiger
  • Challenging relationship with: Snake, Monkey

Enjoy the fruits of your hard work in 2023. Allow yourself to indulge in self-care. The Rabbit is about finding comfort, and this year you have good chi on your side. Take advantage of it.

Feng shui tip:

Your home is your sanctuary. Spend more time in your favorite room this year and celebrate it with intention. 

Plant ally:

Enjoy the fruits of your hard work these last few years, and allow yourself to indulge in self-care and comfort. Arctic lupine is all about receiving support and feeling comfortable in your own skin while knowing you have a strong sense of foundation.

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