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Are Libra & Pisces Compatible In Love & Friendship? Here's What To Know About This Pair

Desiree Roby Antila
April 28, 2023
Desiree Roby Antila
By Desiree Roby Antila
Desiree Roby Antila (she/her), author of "Sun Signs in Love," specializes in sun signs and astrological relationships. She has been studying astrology for several decades and has written numerous articles on matchmaking, cosmic timing, forecasts, and more.

Each of the 12 astrological signs have their own distinct energy, and that means some signs get along better than others. In the case of Libra and Pisces, here's how these two signs match up, how they don't, and whether they can make it work in a relationship.

Pisces & Libra compatibility

There isn't a dreamier couple out there than Libra and Pisces. Libra immediately feels allured by Pisces' charm, and Pisces will instantly sense Libra's strength and admire their beauty. When two of the most romantic zodiac signs decide to pair up, they create an enchanted alchemy that can only happen with this bubbly mixture of air and water.

Many wonder how an intellectual air sign (Libra) and an intuitive water sign (Pisces) are able to see eye-to-eye in a partnership. However, what many do not know is that there is secret sauce created by the stars that is surreptitiously laced throughout their synastry. 

In Hellenistic astrology, there are two "benefic" planets, and Libra and Pisces are ruled by both of them. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, while Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance, as well as Neptune, the planet of dreams. When a couple is simultaneously ruled by positive planets, it makes for many joyous, beautiful, and fortunate exchanges.

Another astrological fact about Venus is that while it is domicile in Libra, it is exalted in Pisces, which is one of the many reasons this match makes sense. Libra is a cardinal air sign, while Pisces is a mutable water sign. Their modalities also work wonderfully together, especially because Libra leads in a gentle way compared to the other cardinal signs, making Pisces happy to follow their tender lead. However, their divergent elements can cause some complications. 

In my book Sun Signs in Love, I talk about how to carefully blend their elements: When air meets water, air stirs, turns, and can cause waves in the water but then quickly moves away, giving the water no control. When water penetrates the air, it creates moisture and ignites the process of rain. Rain is needed for life and rebirth, which air has no control over. There is no choice of these things occurring in either of the elements, so it is better if these elements appreciate one another's differences and individual energy.

Even though their elements may cause some snags from time to time, it is nothing that they cannot work around with enough love and patience.

Now's also a good time to mention that I'm specifically talking about the dynamics between these two signs' energies, and to get a real sense of astrological compatibility between two people (aka synastry), their whole birth charts need to be taken into account.


There isn't a dreamier couple out there than Libra and Pisces. Libra immediately feels allured by Pisces' charm, and Pisces will instantly sense Libra's strength and admire their beauty. When two of the most romantic zodiac signs decide to pair up, they create an enchanted relationship.

 In a friendship

In a friendship, Libra and Pisces will need to find ways to respect one another's differences, but most of the time they'll get along swimmingly. Neither one of them cares for conflict and will avoid it at all costs, which brings them a lot of harmony—but can lead to unspoken feelings.

After a few curt conversations, Pisces will start to have more faith in Libra, and Libra will start to support Pisces, which will make them inseparable friends.

Pisces respects and admires Libra's strengths and knows that it is something they could most certainly learn from them. Libra is fascinated and enchanted by Pisces' ability to know things without logic and reason and understands that tapping into their own intuitiveness is something they can certainly learn from them.

After some time together, these two realize there is magic in their differences, which creates a space for them to both grow and understand life on a whole new level. 

In a relationship

In a relationship, Libra and Pisces' romantic bond is one that you read about in fairy tales. Their love for one another grows into something rich, passionate, dreamy, and full of quality.

While they both vibrate on a different note, when they combine their melodies, it becomes a beautiful harmony. For instance, dating a Libra is a constant balancing act of knowing when to get close and when to pull away. However, Pisces is able to use their intuition to know exactly what Libra wants and needs at just the right time.

Dating a Pisces, meanwhile, requires a partner who is able to constructively support their dreams and desires, which can be difficult when their notions seem impractical. Yet, Libra finds a perfect balance by using their Venusian cardinality to productively support Pisces' whims.

With care and tact, they handle one another in a way that gives them a safe space to grow individually—and together—all at once.

Ways they match up

Libra and Pisces are aspected to one another in a "quincunx." Astrologically speaking, this has not always been the most favorable aspect, but that narrative should definitely change.

Yes, the quincunx combination feels bizarre, because the two signs have nothing in common regarding their elements or modalities. However, what many do not know about this match is that they fall into one another's fifth house of passion and eighth house of intimacy, which makes their sex life one to be envious of.

A lot of their differences are worked through by their physical oneness, which is healing and fulfilling to them in many ways. Their love life acts as a balm to any hurt by not being able to fully see and understand one another. Their physical connection wondrously acts as a tether to where they can always find connection. 

Another place where Libra and Pisces match up well is their adoration of romance. Every day will feel like Valentine's Day with this pair: flowers and chocolates and poetry galore. They will truly enjoy each other's physical and mental beauty, as well as one another's appreciation for true romance.

For these reasons, it is common that Libra and Pisces often get married. Libra has an innate need to be loved and form a relationship, and Pisces has an intrinsic desire to feel needed and connected to someone who cares deeply for them. Together, they can fulfill one another's necessities in more ways than one.  

Where conflict may arise

These two make an enchanted pair, but just like everyone else, their relationship is not always full of pink mist and contentment. If Pisces has any bad habits, it can really throw Libra's scales out of whack, for example. Libra will want Pisces to correct their behavior, but they should be careful that they are not casting unfair judgment.

Libra looks at things in a detached and balanced way, while Pisces laces their emotions and intuition into everything they do. This can cause Pisces to find Libra aloof and disparaging, and Libra can find Pisces to be illogical. 

Another area of discontentment is the fact that neither one of them likes to make hard decisions, especially if they contain an act of permanency. This is due to Libra's indecision and Pisces' languid nature.

Because of this, they usually take their sweet time doing just about everything—even when it comes to their relationship. However, their low-pressured natures never scare one another off, and keep them together to find ways to work around their differences. This will bring correction, learning experiences, and conciliation.

In the end, they really do want the same thing, which is a peaceful and harmonious union filled with lots of romance. 


Is Libra and Pisces a good match?

Yes, as two signs ruled by benefic planets, along with their mutual love of romance, these two signs have a poetic and dreamy relationship.

Do Libra and Pisces marry?

Yes, Libra and Pisces can have good luck in marriage because they have the ability to meet each other's needs for the long term.

Who is Pisces' soulmate?

Pisces can find a soulmate in any sign, though they are typically thought of as most compatible with Virgo and the other water signs (Scorpio, Cancer, or another Pisces).

Who is Libra's soulmate?

Libra can find a soulmate in any sign, though they are typically thought of as most compatible with Aries and the other air signs (Gemini, Aquarius, or another Libra).

The takeaway

Libra and Pisces are from two totally different worlds. Libra lives in the sky like a bird, and Pisces lives in the sea like a fish. There will be days when even they wonder how a bird and a fish could ever truly be together, but once caught in each other's nets of ardor and accord, they figure out a way to create a special world for them to live in: a tranquil place where Libra and Pisces can be friends, lovers, and even soulmates

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