Omega-3 Fatty Acid DHA Can Help Promote Longevity, New Study Shows*

When cardiovascular health, cognitive function, and supporting a healthy inflammatory response are a nutrient's biggest claims to fame, it shouldn't come as a surprise that they help promote longevity. After all, these pillars of health directly affect quality of life—and omega-3s have been shown time and time again to support them all.*
A recent cross-sectional study1 from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrates that these famous fats bolster healthy aging in a more direct way as well.
The longevity study design.
Researchers examined 2,494 healthy U.S. male participants from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study to see if there was an association between their omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid intake and their leukocyte telomere length (LTL).
Telomeres act as caps at the ends of our chromosomes and protect our DNA from stressors (like free radicals, toxins, etc.). Evidence indicates that telomere length is a marker for biological aging—the longer your telomeres are, the greater your longevity.
Leukocytes are white blood cells that play a critical role in immune response, and shortened LTL is associated with aging-related health concerns.
How DHA helps promote longevity.
The study found no significant associations between total omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids intake and telomere length. It did, however, discover that participants with longer LTL had a higher intake of canned tuna and DHA (a marine omega-3 fatty acid) than those with shorter LTL.*
DHA supports a number of essential cognitive functions (including working memory, behavior, and learning), increases the brain's gray matter, and enhances general neuroprotection.*
In terms of brain longevity, this fatty acid is tough to beat. This new evidence indicates that DHA may be a critical player in supporting a healthy inflammatory response and whole-body longevity, too!
Either way, it's clear that getting enough DHA is vital to support healthy aging.* Considering most Americans aren't eating enough fish to bolster these longevity efforts, a quality omega-3 supplement (like mbg's omega-3 potency+) is a must.
The takeaway.
A new study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has discovered an association between DHA intake and leukocyte telomere length, indicating that getting more of the marine omega-3 fatty acid (through diet and/or supplementation) can help promote longevity.*
For a simple and effective way to up your omega-3 consumption, consider a quality omega-3 supplement. mbg's omega-3 potency+ delivers 1.5 grams of omega-3s (EPA plus DHA) from sustainably sourced, wild-caught fish from the South Pacific.
With a daily, potent dose of EPA and DHA, you can reap all the benefits these marine omega-3s have to offer—including extending your health span.*