October Is Here & It's Going To Be A Busy Month Astrologically—Here's Your Horoscope

Big Libra energy starts off the month, thanks to not only the sun in Libra, but the moon joining the balanced air sign on October 2 for an annual solar eclipse, also known as a “ring of fire.”
This is the second in a duo of solar eclipses in Libra—the sequel to the October 14, 2023 solar eclipse—and the final eclipse of 2024. Translation? Get ready for big changes, especially in your relationships, global alliances, and our complicated quest for peace.
Attract the right people, guided by the Libra new moon eclipse
The October 2 Libra solar eclipse is sure to have you pondering how to rewire some of your closest relationships, both for business or pleasure.
With the moon conjunct mindful Mercury and firebrand Black Moon Lilith, it can help to write down the qualities and capabilities of the people you’d like to attract—along with the dealbreakers and things that piss you off. Getting clear will sharpen your judgment and help you avoid common traps you’ve fallen into in the past.
This Lilith placement also can motivate you to get clear on what you might be feeling angry or resentful about, and find a way to diplomatically but directly say it (another reason to write things out first!)
It’s okay to be angry, of course. It can inform your true sentiment and help you advocate for yourself, allowing you to speak from the heart. But getting to the truth of what might be bothering you is a worthy exercise to explore before you explode. That’s not very Libra, after all!
Jupiter joins the outer planets in retrograde
Doing a little recon will come in handy this month when Jupiter joins the other outer planets in retrograde motion. On October 9, Jupiter turns retrograde in Gemini (through February 4, 2025).
When the planet of expansion makes a four-month reversal in communicative Gemini, you may want to (temporarily) reduce your pace on a fast-moving plan or idea. Between the inevitable moments of frustration, you’ll have opportunity to think about what you really want your message to be.
Consider reaching out to a former mentor or collaborator, too. Connecting to them will offer an objective POV or possibly open a new door. Try to listen more than you talk during this reflective period, and really hear what others are saying.
Pluto marches forward in Capricorn, for the last time in our lives
On October 11, Pluto leaves the outer planet retrograde brigade and resumes forward motion in Capricorn. The icy dwarf has been in reverse since May 2, first through Aquarius and since September 1, in Capricorn. On November 19, Pluto will move into Aquarius for 20 years, and won’t be back in Capricorn again in our lifetimes.
Hang on to your voter ID card. There’s one more round of patriarchal power-tripping ahead when Pluto hits this final leg of its 16-year run through Capricorn that (gulp) includes the United States presidential election.
As the Pluto-in-Capricorn old guard faces down the Pluto-in-Aquarius vanguard, this race is sure to be fraught with chaos. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves—there’s more to your October 2024 horoscope before we dig into November’s!
October’s full moon in Aries is a daring Supermoon
Go ahead and let the tongues wag on October 17 when a full supermoon rises in fiery Aries. A wave of flamboyance washes over the world with the fifth and final supermoon of 2024 (whew!).
Audience appreciation is not the point here; self-expression is. Dare to put yourself out there, unvarnished, fully authentic, and 100% amazing—as you define it. Aries loves to be number one, which could raise the stakes for all the competitive types out there.
With the full moon squaring both competitive Mars and power-tripping Pluto, the rivalry could get a bit rabid. So rather than fighting for headliner status, how about shining a light on other talented souls? That’s the kind of leadership this trailblazing sign can get behind!
If you’re feeling a rush of frustration and rage, hit the boxing bag, vent to your friends, scream into a karaoke mic—just don’t escalate the drama! With Scorpio season just around the corner, there’s no need to add to the intensity that’s incoming.
Scorpio season—Halloween’s perfect backdrop—arrives
Money, power, sensual allure! That trifecta is the name of the game from October 22 to November 21, as the sun slinks through intimate, seductive, and magnetic Scorpio.
Since this sign rules transformation, be mindful of where you focus in Scorpio season. Energy flows where your attention goes, and during this psychically charged period, your manifesting powers are dialed up. It’s not uncommon to get a text from a person you were “just thinking about.” If that happens to be a steamy message, don’t say we didn’t warn you!
Under Scorpio’s resourceful skies, there’s strength in numbers, so consider teaming up on a joint endeavor, passive income opportunity, or co-op venture. Where could you consolidate what’s “yours” and what’s “theirs” for a mutually beneficial win-win?
How to get more treats than tricks this Halloween
Ask and you shall receive! Not everything requires laborious effort to pull off. Instead of swimming upstream, float with the current on Halloween (October 31). Mental Mercury tunes in to mystical Neptune’s frequency on this day, so use the Law of Attraction to your advantage and visualize what you want (snack size Snicker bars notwithstanding).
Under this flowing mashup, your intuition may be borderline psychic. (Hey, costume idea! Read the reports and check the data, but then follow your gut.
With a balsamic (nearly-new) moon in Scorpio on Halloween eve, clear away what’s been haunting you so you can start fresh at tomorrow’s new moon.