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Ready For October's Full Moon In Aries? Here's How To Work With It

Sarah Regan
October 14, 2024
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Full Moon Against Orange Sky
Image by Ganapathy Kumar / Unsplash
October 14, 2024
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Full moons are a time for releasing, reflecting, and clearing out the old. But every full moon has a different "flavor" depending on which sign it's in.

This time around, October's full moon is in the sign of bold and courageous Aries. Here's what to know about the astrology at play during this moon, plus three rituals to work with it.

The astrology behind October's full moon

This month's full moon in Aries is taking center stage on Thursday, October 17, at 7:26 a.m. ET. And according to astrology expert and author of Astrology SOS Imani Quinn, this is the first full moon outside of the recent eclipse cycle, so we might still be grappling with the unexpected twists and turns that came up over the past month.

"So this full moon is allowing us to fortify ourselves, especially with the help of Aries, which prioritizes our needs, even in the midst of releasing and surrendering," Quinn tells mindbodygreen. "We're releasing that old energy, especially from the eclipses, and any residue that's left over in terms of lessons we've learned."

In terms of Aries' influence on this moon, Quinn adds, it is a fire sign—so it's lighting a fire under all of us to stick to the boundaries and hard lessons that allow us to show up for ourselves.

"You might feel a surge of energy, or passion may ignite when you're challenged, so it's important to let it guide you to stand up for yourself in the face of adversity," Quinn explains.

Of course, Aries is known for being one of the more temperamental zodiac signs, so just be mindful of acting impulsively. As Quinn tells mindbodygreen, fire energy can work as a portal for change, which can be positive. Just avoid adding chaos without cause.

3 rituals to work with this full moon


Connect with the element of fire

Since this full moon is in a fire sign, Quinn suggests connecting to the element with a fire ritual. All you have to do is write down what you want to let go of on a piece of paper and burn it! (Safely, of course.)

As Quinn explains, this might be certain behaviors, people, situations, jobs, or even limiting beliefs—nothing's off the table here. "Then, you're going to burn it under the moonlight, preferably, and set the intention to hold yourself accountable to let go of that thing—or those things."


Meditate & write in your journal

Next, Quinn suggests spending some time with yourself under these moonbeams for reflection, with a little meditation and journaling.

Simply find a quiet space, grab a journal and pen, and make space in your mind, Quinn suggests, adding to connect with your guides if that's something you're into. "Ask what you'd be doing for yourself if you had the courage to do so, and write down the things that come to mind," she says.

In the coming weeks, make an effort toward at least one of those things, "as this is definitely a time to act courageously for ourselves," Quinn adds.


Pull a tarot spread

Lastly, Quinn always suggests checking in with your tarot cards for clarity under the full moon. Grab your deck and give this three-card spread a try:

  1. What has manifested since the new moon?
  2. What am I letting go of this full moon?
  3. How is the full moon in Aries influencing me to prioritize myself?

The takeaway

If there's anything Aries is known for, it's being brave and taking care of itself. Under these moonbeams, we all have a chance to tap into our Aries as we look ahead to Scorpio season.

And P.S., don't forget to check out what this full moon means for your sign!

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