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6 Things You Need To Know Today (October 20, 2017)

Leigh Weingus
October 20, 2017
Leigh Weingus
By Leigh Weingus
mbg Contributor
Leigh Weingus is a New York City based freelance journalist writing about health, wellness, feminism, entertainment, personal finance, and more. She received her bachelor’s in English and Communication from the University of California, Davis.
Photo by Jovo Jovanovic
October 20, 2017

1. Your dog is trying to tell you something.

In a recent study, researchers studying canine facial expressions were able to show that dogs make different facial movements when they are looking directly at humans. This suggests those puppy eyes you're drooling over might actually be conscious communication. (The Guardian)

2. Legalized marijuana is helping with the opioid crisis.

A new report shows that opioid deaths have dropped by 6.5 percent in the two years that Colorado has legalized marijuana. While there are certainly other components at play (better education, among other things), it still shows promise for progress. (big think)

3. A running group could be just what the doctor ordered.

There's a new campaign called #runandtalk that combines being outside in nature, running, and increasing our focus on mental health. Supported by the charity Mind, these groups have helped a lot of men and women get through tough times. (The Guardian)

4. Google debuted—and quickly eliminated—a calorie-counting feature.

There was a brief window when Google maps would give the calories burned in a walk—and the food equivalent of those calories. The feature was an attempt to get people to move more and has been removed following users' strong negative feedback. While the verdict is split on the importance of calorie counting, we always recommend taking the walking route when possible! (The Atlantic)

5. This device measures blood sugar without the finger-pricking.

FreeStyle Libre is a quarter-size glucometer that takes readings from a sensor under the skin, forgoing the finger-pricking most diabetes patients have to do multiple times a day. The Food and Drug Administration recently approved the sale of the Libre in the United States. (NYT)

6. A major girl power moment just happened in New Zealand.

On Thursday, Jacinda Ardern, 37, was elected as New Zealand’s third female prime minister, the youngest in the nation’s history. The politician brought in a million dollars in donations within her first few weeks as Labour Party leader, in a phenomenon dubbed "Jacindamania." (CNN)

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