A 60-Second Numerology Quiz To Calculate Your "Life Path"

Like your zodiac sign or enneagram type, your numerology chart can provide clues about your personality and tendencies. And all you need to access it are the numbers and letters in your birth date and name.
Where does numerology originate?
Numerology has roots in the divine arts, and some ancient civilizations are believed to have used it for centuries. Today, we are finally coming full circle and starting to capitalize on this valuable ancient wisdom of the past. Western numerology—created by Greek mystic and mathematician Pythagoras over 2,500 years ago—is the most popular system used around the world today. Other numerology systems include Kabbalistic, Chinese, Tamil/Indian, and Chaldean, which date back even further.
How does numerology work?
Every number (and letter) is thought to have its own unique energetic vibration. Numerology studies the way these vibrations influence the story of your life and personality. By tapping into this powerful resource, you can start to uncover your destiny and the life lessons you will face along the way.
How do you use numerology?
Numerology can be used for many things, but some of its most common applications are to help:
- Foster greater self-awareness and understanding
- Uncover personal and professional interests
- Evaluate relationship compatibility
Everyone has a numerology chart made up of seven core numbers—each one with its own insights.
Let’s take a look at one of those lessons now by calculating your “Life Path Number” from your birth date.
- Add all of the numbers in your birth date together. Be sure to write out your full birth year (i.e., 1969 rather than just 69).
- Keep adding any double-digit numbers together until you get a single-digit Life Path Number between 1 and 9. Let’s use the birth date March 29, 1969 (3-29-1969) as an example: 3+2+9+1+9+6+9 = 39. 3+9 = 12. 1+2 = 3 Life Path Number
- Now, find your Life Path Number below to uncover an essential truth about yourself.
The 9 Life Paths in Numerology.
Life Path 1

You may feel different from others and must find the confidence and courage to walk a path less-traveled. You must learn to embrace your individuality.
Life Path 2

You must learn to love and believe in yourself unconditionally and find the balance between giving and receiving. You must learn to say “no.”
Life Path 3

You must learn not to exaggerate negativity or overdramatize your problems. You must learn to eliminate unnecessary gossip and drama in your everyday life.
Life Path 4

You must learn to build a stable “emotional, physical, mental, and material” foundation in your inner and outer life. You must learn to persevere in order to reach your goals.
Life Path 5

You must learn the value of moderation. Rather than succumb to addiction or other forms of escapism to avoid the boredom of everyday life, you must find healthier ways to stimulate your senses.
Life Path 6

In your quest to help others, you must learn to find the middle ground between assisting and enabling. You must learn not to overstep another’s boundaries.
Life Path 7

The emotional realm may feel awkward for you; however, you must learn to communicate and express your emotions and affections in this life.
Life Path 8

You must work through personal power issues and learn not to let anything or anyone disempower you. You must also learn not to disempower others.
Life Path 9

You must learn to accept, let go, and move on from any misfortune of the past. You must learn to accept and forgive anything that or anyone who has previously caused you pain.
Now that you know one of your numerology life lessons, can you recognize the recurring role it plays in your daily experience? If so, take comfort in knowing that working through this lesson has brought you one step closer to living a conscious and empowered life.