Here's How To Work With Friday's New Moon In Scorpio

It's officially Halloween week, Scorpio season has begin, and the spooky vibes are palpable. And to round out the Halloween season, we've got a Scorpio new moon that will be exact (0 degrees) the morning after Halloween.
Here's what to know about the astrology behind this new moon, plus three rituals to work with its energy.
The astrology behind November's new moon in Scorpio
With a Scorpio new moon, this time of year feels especially magical. As astrology expert and author of Astrology SOS, Imani Quinn, tells mindbodygreen, Scorpio brings up our deepest truths to be revealed, allowing for new beginnings—but only if we allow ourselves to discover them.
Scorpio is also no stranger to darkness, with Quinn adding that while it can be uncomfortable to travel to shadow realms, Scorpio is very much encouraging this. As Scorpio knows all too well, it's always darkest before the dawn, and new moons are all about new beginnings—so this moon is very much giving deep transformation.
This is also a water moon, since Scorpio is a water sign. As Quinn explains, this makes it a good moon for taking some emotional inventory or even working with magic and rituals.
"We just came out of an intense season with the eclipses, and even though we're out of eclipse season now, Mars is in Cancer, and Pluto is in Capricorn," Quinn says, adding, "Emotions may still feel really heightened, especially with Mars being in a water sign."
All in all, she notes, this new moon in Scorpio can propel us forward with extra courage in order to move through things—not avoid them. "It's a time when the veil is thin between this world and spiritual realm, so [we're] delving deeper into channeling intuition and calling on ancestors for support of those manifestations," Quinn says.
3 rituals to work with this Scorpio new moon
Do some candle magic
New moons are a time for setting intentions, and Quinn recommends doing some candle magic to connect more deeply to your intentions. All you need is a candle (bonus points if you choose a related candle color) and your intention.
Think of your intention, feeling into it, as you light your candle—and every time you light it thereafter up until the full moon. When you want to put it out, snuff it rather than blowing it, Quinn explains, as to not blow away your intentions.
Quinn adds you can watch the way the candle burns as an indication of how your intention is going. "If you get a lot of black residue, that could be blocks or challenges you need to move through. If you have a really clean burn, that can mean this intention is ready to come through, and there's not that many challenges ahead," she explains.
And since this is a Scorpio new moon, add a bowl of water next to your candle to help alchemize the energy and emotions around your intention. You might also opt to light an ancestral candle, since this new moon is on Dia De Los Muertos, asking your ancestors for help with your manifestations.
Take a ritual bath
As aforementioned, Scorpio is a water sign, so you'll want to incorporate water into your rituals this new moon. And what better way to do so than by taking a ritual bath? Of course, taking a dip in a natural body of water is a great option too, but if location or weather doesn't allow, your bathtub is a great option.
Quinn suggests using the bath (or even the shower) as a place to meditate and alchemize your emotions. Meditate on what deeper truths and desires are coming up for you with the influence of Scorpio, and then take some time journaling about your insights afterwards, Quinn recommends.
Pull a tarot spread
Lastly, Quinn always recommends pulling a tarot spread to get more clarity around what the new moon means for you. Here's a four-card spread to try yourself:
- What have I let go of since the full moon?
- What is the new moon opening up for me?
- What deeper truths am I discovering about myself?
- How can I take action to help bring my intentions to fruition?
The takeaway
Autumn is a time of change and letting go, and Scorpio season encourages us to dig deep in order to unearth and transform what lies in the depths.
With a new moon ritual or two, allow Scorpio to inspire you to lean into the darkness—and don't forget to check what this new moon means for your specific sign.